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chenguo4 said:

So I've been reading in various articles that Sony says they're 300k ahead of MS in EU, while VGC has them 1 mil behind, after PS3's been losing handily to the 360 in Others.

Now, I'd expect sales in non-EU others regions to favor the PS3 over 360, so there's just no way we can explain away the discrepancy.


So, Sony bsing, or VGC undertracking PS3/overtracking 360?


As a Sony fan, I'd like to believe Sony's right. But I also trust VGC a good bit, so iono. What do you guys think?



You know what the bolded sentence in the quoting is called? We usually call it "talking out of your ass!"

Why? Cuz you can't even bother giving support behind your argument :D

What are you looking at, nerd?