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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EGM reveals X-Men Origins: Wolverine for PS360

Go on, have a good hard look at the screenshot on this page -- that's the in-game model, son. We were as hesitant to get excited for X-Men Origins: Wolverine as you probably are going into it, but things are shaping up surprisingly well (and incredibly violently) over at Raven Software (the same studio that worked on the X-Men Legends games and Marvel Ultimate Alliance).

Ninja Gaiden meets Hugh Jackman? It's not out of the realm of possibility. In our January issue of EGM, we tell you all about real-time in-game healing, the simple satisfactions of an elegantly accessible combat system, a sweet boss fight against the very first Sentinel robot prototype, and lots more. We also chat with Raven about a few of Origins' influences, from God of War to Super Smash Bros., a new approach to seamless cinematic in-game cut-scenes that bridge bits of gameplay, and even a few things from the cutting floor (a skeletal Wolvie in a nuclear blast?). Check out EGM for all the uncanny details. And oh my, the violence.



So what can you expect this month? For starters, a first look and sexy screens of the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine game, hitting in May alongside the similarly titled flick. Check out the first screen and an early look at the cover story by clicking here.



Okay, I will allow myself to be hopeful about this game, as it has the potential to turn out full of awesome.

Wolverine <3

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While I support the making of the movie and game. I am boycotting both as Wolverine is a murderer. And he's already had an origins movie, it was called X-men 2.

*I don't let personal feelings get in the way of anything*

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
While I support the making of the movie and game. I am boycotting both as Wolverine is a murderer. And he's already had an origins movie, it was called X-men 2.

*I don't let personal feelings get in the way of anything*

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not...

Rainbird said:
The Fury said:
While I support the making of the movie and game. I am boycotting both as Wolverine is a murderer. And he's already had an origins movie, it was called X-men 2.

*I don't let personal feelings get in the way of anything*

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not...

Marvel/X-men fan and I'm half serious. I have not really liked many X-men games bar the arcade beat 'm Up from the 90s (superb game), X-men Academy 2 (not 1) and X-men: Legends 1 (not 2).

And I really don't understand why people can support and like a character that goes out of his way to stab every living breathing thing and call him a hero. I'd support Ironman over Wolverine anyday, as even if Ironman is a bit too weird lately, he doesn't kill for the sake of killing.

Now Cap A, there was a hero.

And I Probably will end up seeing the movie...kinda have to. Just hope it doesn't have anything to do with Avengers in it, as that would mean he might be in the Avengers movie and that would be one of the worse things ever.


Hmm, pie.

Okay, I can say strait away that you will own my ass in terms Marvel/X-Men knowledge, but isn't one of the great appeals of Wolverine that he is an antihero, and not just your "regular" (morally correct, unselfish etc.) hero?

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lol, wtf, man. Iron Man is a total douchebag. I agree about Cap though, he sure is a hero.

Rainbird said:
Okay, I can say strait away that you will own my ass in terms Marvel/X-Men knowledge, but isn't one of the great appeals of Wolverine that he is an antihero, and not just your "regular" (morally correct, unselfish etc.) hero?

He is and that is his appeal but after years of Wolverine having only his own book and in 1 X-men book, suddenly Marvel have found the appeal of him to sell stuff. He appears in 5 or 6 books a month and to me, he lost his appeal to me long ago.

Good example being that it is known, and Cyclops has said many times, in the comics that the X-men don't kill. Now Wolverine has had his moments and is morally correct except when it comes to life and death. His primary noticable weaponry is his claws that only have the use of killing really, he rarely puts them away. His fists are made of unbreakable metal but he pops his claws anyway.

In the 2nd movie they had him kill loads of what were essentially just army people highered to do a job. Now I'd expect this from Mistique which she does but Wolverine should know better, he should have a better repsect for human life then that for me to consider him a hero.


Now back to the game, I'm sure if the movie is good, the game will get some nice sales.

Hmm, pie.

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
lol, wtf, man. Iron Man is a total douchebag. I agree about Cap though, he sure is a hero.

Duchebag, yes, no doubt there. Which is my point. But then I'm a fan of Xavier and his loose morals (but then he doesn't kill).

Hmm, pie.

Let's change this thread to be about the greatest hero of them all.

I speak, of course, of Thor.

*swings hammer*

The Fury said:
Rainbird said:
Okay, I can say strait away that you will own my ass in terms Marvel/X-Men knowledge, but isn't one of the great appeals of Wolverine that he is an antihero, and not just your "regular" (morally correct, unselfish etc.) hero?

He is and that is his appeal but after years of Wolverine having only his own book and in 1 X-men book, suddenly Marvel have found the appeal of him to sell stuff. He appears in 5 or 6 books a month and to me, he lost his appeal to me long ago.

Good example being that it is known, and Cyclops has said many times, in the comics that the X-men don't kill. Now Wolverine has had his moments and is morally correct except when it comes to life and death. His primary noticable weaponry is his claws that only have the use of killing really, he rarely puts them away. His fists are made of unbreakable metal but he pops his claws anyway.

In the 2nd movie they had him kill loads of what were essentially just army people highered to do a job. Now I'd expect this from Mistique which she does but Wolverine should know better, he should have a better repsect for human life then that for me to consider him a hero.


Now back to the game, I'm sure if the movie is good, the game will get some nice sales.

Ah, that way around.

I just checked on Raven Software's track record, which makes me feel no different than I did before. They made Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, which I loved!

With regards to sales, I think you are right about quality of the movie tying to the game sales, but I would much rather see the game deserving its sales on its own. Hopefully, the game will be good and sell well.