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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much would you spend to purchase a current generation console thread.

Three questions:

1. How much would you pay for a Wii?

2. How  much would you pay for a X360?

3. How much much would you pay for a PS3?

My answers will be provided within the thread.

* Provide answers in US dollars so we can understand.

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Wii - 269.99, price is perfect where it is. I can only imagine what the world will come to when they drop the price.

Xbox 360 - 569.99, thats how much I spent for my elite. Great bundle too, came with a few games, and everything I needed for a HDMI hook-up.

PS3 - 399.99, PS3 where its at is the minimal I would pay. Although the bundle is less than stellar, it makes for a good blu-ray player. I just wish I had more games for it.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Wii: $500.

360: $50.

PS3: $5.

Wii - I bought it for $400 Au, which was its launch (and current) price, so I would certainly pay $250 US

PS3 - as it currently stands, there is no realistic price that I would pay for it, I live most of the year in a single room in a student apartment - I simply don't have the room for a PS3. I also think it irresponsible to buy a console that uses so much energy.

When the PS3slim comes out, I would probably pay $350 Au, so about $200 US. I know this'll take ages, but I'm willing to wait

360 - If I post the number I'm thinking, I'll be accused of trolling. There is not a singe 360 game that I would buy if I already owned a PS3.

Wii = $150
X360 = $200
PS3 = $250

IMO: paying more than $250 a console is a rip off.

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scottie said:
Wii - I bought it for $400 Au, which was its launch (and current) price, so I would certainly pay $250 US

PS3 - as it currently stands, there is no realistic price that I would pay for it, I live most of the year in a single room in a student apartment - I simply don't have the room for a PS3. I also think it irresponsible to buy a console that uses so much energy.

When the PS3slim comes out, I would probably pay $350 Au, so about $200 US. I know this'll take ages, but I'm willing to wait

360 - If I post the number I'm thinking, I'll be accused of trolling. There is not a singe 360 game that I would buy if I already owned a PS3.


Not to take anything away from your post (not that I agree with everything you say, but its you opinion so I won't try run you down for it), I think it reasonable to point out that while the PS3 certainly does use a lot of energy - certainly the most of the current gen consoles - my 600W computer uses even more when gaming, and most PC's, even basic store bought ones can use more than a PS3 does.

Just my opinion



Wii - $300

360 (elite) - $400

PS3 - $450

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

wii- $100

x360- $150/200/250

ps3- $250-300

Its another story that i ended up paying around $320 for the wii, $350 for the xbox and havent got a ps3 yet

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

Wii: 99$ with WM+ (if WM+ will be good enough)

360: Already own one, bought mine for something like 500$. Worth every penny.

Ps3: I don't see a reason to own a ps3, but the current price is ok.

Wii: 79$  (SD graphics, no Hard Drive, no full-controller (need to buy Nunchuck + MotionPlus))

Xbox 360: Already have one.

PS3: Already have one.


My Gaming Setup

PlayStation 3: Already own one, not saying what model though...

Xbox 360: 149.99 $ with 20GB Hard-drive and a free MS published game. if there was a bundle like this i would be a 360 fanboy for quite awhile admited.

Wii: I'd expect it to be free or nothing, and even then i'd resale and/or give it away.... at any rate because i see it as a pointless console In my Opinion.