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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Killzone 2 Singleplayer Impressions Thread

Staude said:
makingmusic476 said:

Killzone has won over 1UP. Some quotes from the latest 1UPYours Podcast:

David Ellis said:

"KZ2 is the best looking console game I have ever seen. EVER seen. Way better than Gears. Particle effects, texture quality, way better than Gears."

"I'm actually really liking the single player."

"I've played it through 4 times, 2 because I had to, but 2 because I wanted to! I didn't want it to end."

Garnett Lee said:

"Actually having put more time into it, I'm really liking the multiplayer."

"It seems around the office, that KZ2 has won over nearly everyone."



Le awesome




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That's it ; I'm changing my birthday to coincide with the release of Killzone 2.

Million said:
That's it ; I'm changing my birthday to coincide with the release of Killzone 2.

I am excited for KZ2, but I am not that excited. 

Anyways, here is GameSpy's preview of KZ2. It is another preview that extols the game. 


It's amazing to me that I'm infinitely more hyped for this game then I am for Resident Evil 5, a sequal to a game that I hold as one of the greatest games of last gen and of all time.

PS3 Trophies



I think I will wait to get a PS3 because I dont need a console right now

BUT, I m very happy to all the good thing that will help the Ps3 to be the best HD console (including good game so). I also like the KZ2 artistic style.

gg guerilla so far

(side note : a french basher website has previewed KZ2 and has NOT killed it despite his classicism ... that is a very good point)

Time to Work !

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This kick a$$ thread just made me change my sig lol:)

Jackson50 said:
Million said:
That's it ; I'm changing my birthday to coincide with the release of Killzone 2.

I am excited for KZ2, but I am not that excited. 

Anyways, here is GameSpy's preview of KZ2. It is another preview that extols the game. 


Lol i'll just change my birthday again after the release of K2. What good is a birthday if it doesn't coincide with something cool eh ?


Jackson50 said:
Million said:
That's it ; I'm changing my birthday to coincide with the release of Killzone 2.

I am excited for KZ2, but I am not that excited. 

Anyways, here is GameSpy's preview of KZ2. It is another preview that extols the game. 


Added to the OP. :D



same here

I mean I'd never change my birth date from 1st day ever!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Well, even though I haven't played it I have a feeling that this game is going to be spectacular. Unanimous praise for a ps3 exclusive isn't something you see everyday, and if there were glaring flaws beneath the surface (which i originally suspected) they would of been pointed out already. I thought this game would suck.

so i guess it's time for me to enjoy some crow. om nom nom nom

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