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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will win JRPG of the year and why?

Persona 4 by a long shot.

For PS360, Valkyria has received the best reviews from both gamers and reviewers alike. Now, I just have to pick up my copy of both games!

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Hopefully Final Fantasy 4. Hopefully, if that doesn't win it is Chrono Trigger or Persona 4.

Why?  The FF4 remake is the best JRPG this year and one of the best ever.


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read my edit

memory2zack said:
There´s no JRPG of the year in any website anyway, it´s under RPG of the year and Persona 4 has good chances to win some against the hyped Fable II and Fallout 3.

You are correct sir. Took the words right out of my mouth. There is only an RPG of the Year category at most sites/publications, meaning the front runners are Fallout 3 and Fable 2. Here's how I think many will go:

Fallout 3
Fable 2
Valkyria Chronicles
Persona 4
The World Ends With You

Fallout 3 will win most of the time.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

The World Ends With You.

But I dont think there is a "jRPG of the year" category anywhere.

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If there was a JRPG category I think that Persona 4 would be the most likely winner. If they wanted only current generation console contendors it would be VC, from what I've heard if Handhelds were included than TWEWY would have a shot against VC and could take it.


VC and Persona 4. VC was something fresh and cool, I love it. But Persona 4 will be amazing too.


Lost Odyssey was probably the Japanese role playing game of 2007. That is when the title launched in Japan, and then was ported a few months later to North America and Europe. I know it is pretty hard to remember with Microsoft being incredibly good with simultaneous launches, but seeing as you did not specify a market. You must either specify a market or remove this game from consideration. Be wary of specifying a market White Knight Chronicles arrives this year in Japan. So you will get comment if that game does not make your list.

Eternal Sonata should be expunged from the list as well. We are talking about a year old port with less then five percent new content. That is just not worth mention especially since you can pick up a used copy for under ten dollars for the 360. That is if you can find one. I just see no reason to treat old ports as new games. You start to find contradictions when the same game can win game of the year two years in a row.

I can honestly say I have no opinion. I enjoyed Infinite Undiscovery. However I know that game to merely be decent, and in no way approaching superb. I tried the demo of Tales of Vesperia, and I frankly do not understand the fascination. I also cannot conceive of why anybody would consider that quality. I just do not understand it is all. It must be an acquired taste. All the rest I haven't had the honor of playing.

Fallout 3.

It just will.

My guess would be Persona, Valkyrie Chronicles, or Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.

Maybe a DS game somewere in the fray aswell.

But no way in hell will any of those 360 JRPG's even get Close to it besides ToV maybe besides that no.

Persona > VC > CC:FFVII. IMO...