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Forums - Sales Discussion - One of my predictions came true Uncharted outsold Bioshock (X360)

Motorstorm sold well, Sega Superstar tennis sold well, kung fu panda is selling well.. oh wait, they're all in a bundled.

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Lego Indiana Jones will outsell uncharted.

You get my point? such predictions are pointless. Bundles make it too hard to compare sales.

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@reptile & @DirtyP
I guess we should should discount the sales of PGR4, Forza 2, Guitar hero III, Fable 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, perfect dark zero, and yes even Halo 3, just to name a few. All of these games were also bundled.

And before someone says that halo 3 was never bundled. IT WAS!!!!!

DirtyP2002 said:

Lego Indiana Jones will outsell uncharted.

You get my point? such predictions are pointless. Bundles make it too hard to compare sales.


 The point is that I made that statement way before it was bundled, it was outselling it anyway

kjj4t9rdad said:
@reptile & @DirtyP
I guess we should should discount the sales of PGR4, Forza 2, Guitar hero III, Fable 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, perfect dark zero, and yes even Halo 3, just to name a few. All of these games were also bundled.

And before someone says that halo 3 was never bundled. IT WAS!!!!!


 Is Fable2 bundled in the US? It isn't in Europe and not released in Japan.



Uncharted outsold Bioshock by 20.000 units. Uncharted is an exclusive game, Bioshock just a timed console exclusive (strange expression). Of course uncharted was bundled while Bioshock was not. uncharted had a long time without lots of great games on the PS3, so no huge competition. Bioshock had games like gears of war or halo3 as competition, which are even in the same genre. So I don't get why this should be a big deal.

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kjj4t9rdad said:
@reptile & @DirtyP
I guess we should should discount the sales of PGR4, Forza 2, Guitar hero III, Fable 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, perfect dark zero, and yes even Halo 3, just to name a few. All of these games were also bundled.

And before someone says that halo 3 was never bundled. IT WAS!!!!!


Did I or anybody really think that PGR4, Forza 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance sold well on its own?


It was a comparison. I named both 360 and ps3 bundled games. Nothing against one console or another. You are way too biased. Uncharted is a bundled game, while Bioshock was never bundled. Compare apples to oranges

Fable 2 is bundled in the UK

The game is bundled...Sorry, but a bundled game is a free game, imho. So I tend to give it less credibility than a game were the consumer has to go out a BUY IT. It's like making something a platinum title and dropping the price to $19.99...sure you sell more, but you lose profits. Sony isn't in a position to ride on bragging rights, as their financial outlook is the worst of the 3 console makers...FACT.

BTW, your prediction  that DID come true...LBP sales DID shock everybody...roflol...mostly Sony, in trying to figure out how the game they so highly hype hadn't broken 1 million sales after being out for so long.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Undying said:

Of course Uncharted sold really well. It had the same appeal that Motor Storm and Resistance had. They were big fish in a small pond.


Bioshock was a big fish in an ocean.

Seems like he should be comparing Bioshock Xbox 360 to Bioshock PS3, is you want apples to appels.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

DMeisterJ said:
Uncharted got very close, and probably touched 2 million before it was bundled. Now it's bundled, and moving at a steady clip, but for the most part, it did catch BioShock 360 sales without being bundled.

Not arguing the whole bundling point again, since we all know that wide-spread bundles didn't happen until the 160 gig.

WTH are some of you talking about ???? uncharted has been bundled with the console in europe for almost a year . It's no coincidence that most of its "sales" come from there.