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The game is bundled...Sorry, but a bundled game is a free game, imho. So I tend to give it less credibility than a game were the consumer has to go out a BUY IT. It's like making something a platinum title and dropping the price to $19.99...sure you sell more, but you lose profits. Sony isn't in a position to ride on bragging rights, as their financial outlook is the worst of the 3 console makers...FACT.

BTW, your prediction  that DID come true...LBP sales DID shock everybody...roflol...mostly Sony, in trying to figure out how the game they so highly hype hadn't broken 1 million sales after being out for so long.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder