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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will all consoles of the future be called some stupid one syllable word?

Or you could grow up an accept that the world does not revolve around you, and that there is no reason why the Japanese oriented industry should cater to whining Americans like yourself. Infact, Nintendo and Sony should give their products Japanese names that us Westerners find difficult to pronounce - just to spite you for your selfishness

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scottie said:
Or you could grow up an accept that the world does not revolve around you, and that there is no reason why the Japanese oriented industry should cater to whining Americans like yourself. Infact, Nintendo and Sony should give their products Japanese names that us Westerners find difficult to pronounce - just to spite you for your selfishness

Now Scottie, he ain't hurtin' nobody

Put down the nailgun

The Anarchyz said:
Sephiroth357 said:
The Pii is the next name for Sony.


Look at this CAD strip about Sony in E3 2006:

Rofl I just guessed that name. Nice find.



misterd said:
You think Nintendo based a worldwide brand name based on what a few American immigrant can or can't say?

Wii worked because the name implies togetherness (and urine), and because the two "i"'s look like abstract representations of people. The name simply summarized their philosophy for the console.

Now, I'll admit PlayStation is a very early 90s name, and XBox very late 90s attempt to sound cool. Both could probably use a new name, but they've simply sunk too much into the branding. They can't just drop their old names the way Nintendo can. Nintendo is "brand", so they can change the console names all they want. Sony and Microsoft's names are too tied up in other properties to be used for console branding. That is, when asked "did you get the new Nintendo?" everyone knows what it means. But asking"did you get the new Sony?" it could mean a tv, receiver, computer, console, etc.


This guy hit the nail on the head

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Khuutra said:
scottie said:
Or you could grow up an accept that the world does not revolve around you, and that there is no reason why the Japanese oriented industry should cater to whining Americans like yourself. Infact, Nintendo and Sony should give their products Japanese names that us Westerners find difficult to pronounce - just to spite you for your selfishness

Now Scottie, he ain't hurtin' nobody

Put down the nailgun


But I've already sharpened the nails

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i dont know why but you bug the crap out of me J man no offese you remind me of a kid at my school that calls himself the J man but on topic i like all the names they sound cool Sony followed a pattern playstaion playstaion 2 playstaion 3 and xbox was going with something new and nintendo was being nintendo


Well J man, there's a school of thought that might agree with you.
during the HD disk format wars, Some magazines etc. predicted that Blu-Ray would catch on quicker due to it being easier to say and remember than HD-DVD, so you might have a point there!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

scottie said:
Or you could grow up an accept that the world does not revolve around you, and that there is no reason why the Japanese oriented industry should cater to whining Americans like yourself. Infact, Nintendo and Sony should give their products Japanese names that us Westerners find difficult to pronounce - just to spite you for your selfishness


Umm the J man isnt American and how is the industy japanese oriented?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

I bet with a friend that Blu-Ray was going to win the HD-format war, our arguments were technical but also we both had "name" reasons, mine was that Blu-Ray sounds way cooler and people like to say it, his was that HD-DVD sounds closer and more familiar to the popular DVD... I guess i was closer to reality XD

Wii for me sounds silly (and a name for obvious penis jokes), i was afraid that would reflect on the console, but in E3 when i saw the potential, i admitted that i was wrong, but i still like "Revolution" better, i guess the name didn't stay because it was way too hardcore for the targeting audience...

I still like "Playstation" better, "Xbox" doesn't attract me (although "360" was a nice touch)...

i dont know why but you bug the crap out of me J man no offese you remind me of a kid at my school that calls himself the J man but on topic i like all the names they sound cool Sony followed a pattern playstaion playstaion 2 playstaion 3 and xbox was going with something new and nintendo was being nintendo


How the hell does this fat kid have the audacity to use the J mans name in vein... anyways playstation name has to go , you can only use it soo many times.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!