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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are you a former Sony Fanboy?

Im not a former sony fan...but i am a former sony console owner

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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I admit to owning both PS1 and PS2. However, the moment Sony started talking about PS3 with a very arrogant attitude I knew this was going down to shit. They thought they could push people around since most gamers backed up the PS2 and it back fired on their ass. I'm now a proud owner of a 360 and I'm looking into the Wii for my future purchase.

For those of you hopeful fanboys of Sony that think PS3 will beat the 360, it is I and the mainstream market that think the same way and we're the ones that will decide this console war (well, I should say, have already decided this war in favor of Wii lolz) and we will make sure the 360 ends up #2 because at least they put in a great effort to make the 360 a lot similar to the way the PS2 was.

What are you looking at, nerd?

I was one of the biggest Sony fanboys in existence in the PS2 era. Lord, the arguments I argued for its sake, and so needless to say, I would be more then happy to see Sony rise back to action.

Well, I've taken my first step for this process, as I've just purchased a PS3. See you on online for R2, hopefully, if L4D and gears2 don't take up my time :P...

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

i used to be a playstation fanboy, but i always tried to be imparcial in my comments