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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Force Unleashed has a new addon on XBLM

It is the Apprentice going to the ruined Jedi Temple on Coruscant.  I'm dl'ing it now ;)  800 pts btw.


The Apprentice Mission Pack contains an entirely new single-player mission set in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.  In this mission Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice turns to the Jedi Temple to learn more about his father, and while searching through the rubble of the destroyed building he must confront his inner demons... Download this mission pack and you’ll also get 6 brand new characters and 3 all new Secret Apprentice costumes. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

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I have downloaded, I'll probably get around to playing this weekend.
It also has an extra 220g, so I should be able to get 1080g in total! My first total over 1000!

800 pts, is that like rufly 80 bucks?

If it gets me a level with 2 hour gameplay then it's worth it.

I really liked SW Unleahsed.

80 bucks? It is about £7-8

Slimebeast said:
800 pts, is that like rufly 80 bucks?

If it gets me a level with 2 hour gameplay then it's worth it.

I really liked SW Unleahsed.


80 bucks? I hope you made a typemistake =p.

800 points = 10 bucks.

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When u guys play it fully PLEASE make a thread and kinda rate it, I want to know if its worth 10 bucks or not. Im seeing it on PSN atm and i am a huge SW fan (But ever since i discoverd MGS ive kinda pushed SW aside) Please let me know if its worth the money!! And how long it is... And if its repetetive or not!

Anyone tried this yet?

I haven't had a chance to play it yet... I might be able to play it tomorrow

the DLC is only worth an hour of gameplay max,
coz it's damn short

I have played it.It's nothing special or impressive.

The final boss fight and the story are both lame.

Ty wont get it :P