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Forums - Sales Discussion - Whats with Lips sales?

Just went into 2 local shops, 1 Game and the other Gamestation.

I wanted to show my Fiance Lips so she could get it for Xmas for me. Niether shop had any copies left? The sales data seems rather low for this game considering there were no copies left.

Is that unusual? Or did M$ only make like 5 copies of the game?

I hope I can get it for christmas, Had a right blast singing Heavy Metal with my friends on the weekend just gone.

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I'm going to assume that retailers didn't have a ton of confidence in the title, so stock of the game may not of been as high as it should have been.

But I'm sure with Christmas ramping up, retailers will stock it better - especially since it sold more on it's 2nd week than it's first.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Lips bombed in Europe. Abba Singstar is all the rage now. Nobody cares about a cheap rip off on a system they don't have.

China -

Problem is, you didn't bother looking up information before posting, did you?

Lips had a 100% increase from the week prior. It also outsold Abba Singstar in Europe as well.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

According to this website, Lips sold 15k last week US, in its second week of release.

Most retailers have limited shelf space, and tend to stock what sells. Lips got lost in the massive surge of new games. It may sell well long term.

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mrstickball said:
China -

Problem is, you didn't bother looking up information before posting, did you?

Lips had a 100% increase from the week prior. It also outsold Abba Singstar in Europe as well.

What? Abba Singstar is TOPPING the charts in every european country where Singstar in popular. Lips didn't even make it in the top 40 in the UK.



mrstickball said:
China -

Problem is, you didn't bother looking up information before posting, did you?

Lips had a 100% increase from the week prior. It also outsold Abba Singstar in Europe as well.

LOL. He's too busy trying to give ioi advice on numbers to bother to check his own, I guess.


I agree with mrstickball's first comment MS probably didn't make a lot of copies of the game because they weren't totally confident in the games success.

mrstickball said:
China -

Problem is, you didn't bother looking up information before posting, did you?

Lips had a 100% increase from the week prior. It also outsold Abba Singstar in Europe as well.


Flotation line impact.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

mrstickball said:
China -

Problem is, you didn't bother looking up information before posting, did you?

Lips had a 100% increase from the week prior. It also outsold Abba Singstar in Europe as well.

Rofl, raged Sony fanboy alt speaking before thinking. Who knew? I can only speculate what his real VGchartz account is.


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