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Forums - Website Topics - Playstation 2 numbers should be on the main page !!!

So, let's imagine that wii HD is released in february, vgchartz will stop tracking wii/360/ps3 numbers to track wiihd sales alone (cause it's a 8th gen console)?

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Tremble said:
So, let's imagine that wii HD is released in february, vgchartz will stop tracking wii/360/ps3 numbers to track wiihd sales alone (cause it's a 8th gen console)?

I'm sure ioi has a plan for the launch of the eighth gen and how that will affect the display of current-gen numbers.

Though measuring one console by itself wouldn't make a ton of sense. There's nothing to compare it to.

PS2 sales numbers would make the PS3 and X360 look bad. When we all see the PS2 continues to outsell X360 and PS3 in most regions on a weekly basis. The magical price of PS2 at $99.

The main page is perfect.
Please no PS2 data.

Who cares about Playstation2 ?
Evolve people... evolve...


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Maynard_Tool said:

Ok, consoles are how can i say it.... arrange?? they are together??? looking for the word but i cant find it.... but i guess you know what i mean. But again, ps2 will never be in the front page b/c it doesnt belong into this generation.... deal with it


Sephiroth357 said:

Maynard_Tool said:
What the heck are u talking about??? I used to have one ps2, i even kept one game after it got sold (God of War II). Why people keep doing that, judging me like if you freaking know me??? Dude, seriously. Sales are one thing, but consoles go together into generations, like this the 7th where we have Wii, X360 and Ps3. Ps2 DOESN'T belong here, got it???

I can't believe some people, simply..... ridiculous!

May I quote you?

"And again, videogames are measure by generations ok, not sales."

I need this in my sig!


That's what i was trying to say ;)

IF the playstation 2 still sells so well, and is still produced as much as the other consoles, then it deserves to be on the front page.  Not nessesarily in the middle, but atleast out in the side.


Check out my game about moles ^

They should have it. Also, add GC and XBox. It will show that Microsoft isn't doing as good as everyone thinks. Sure the 360 might be beating the PS3 right now, but Sony is knocking Microsoft off their feet! When the PS2 is laid to rest, it will mean that many more PS3 sales.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.