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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009?

ahcheng said:

I saw an article which wrote "A Microsoft rep reveled that the company plans on taking a cautious stance in 2009. The rep also indicated that with several unknown factors, such as the economy, the company may be in for some tough times. Microsoft also indicated plans to cut costs in the coming year. There are some clues that the company might be making a big shift towards the casual market in 2009. Can the company finally shake off the hardcore video game console stigma earned over the years?"


less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009? i don't think so.

let's look at the ps3 game list, Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII.

They already took them all. I guess they can buy sony, that would give them every ps3 game. /sarcasm.


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Id say one of the indicators is the games that come free with a brand new 360. Tennis, Kung fu Panda and Indy Jones.
How well have those games sold seperately? Not well, hence their giving them away, but this also shows their attempt at "family" or casual marketing too.

They are doing exceptionally well this holiday but the real question is who, of either PS3 or MS, will steal casuals back next year? Thats if they can. Id be guessing that 25 million 360 owners might have a bigger bargining chip than Sony.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

ahcheng said:

I saw an article which wrote "A Microsoft rep reveled that the company plans on taking a cautious stance in 2009. The rep also indicated that with several unknown factors, such as the economy, the company may be in for some tough times. Microsoft also indicated plans to cut costs in the coming year. There are some clues that the company might be making a big shift towards the casual market in 2009. Can the company finally shake off the hardcore video game console stigma earned over the years?"


less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009? i don't think so.

let's look at the ps3 game list, Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII.


Most of PS3's games in 2009 are all 1st Party or 2nd Party exclusives which means there only on PS3 with a possible PSP Spin off. stop trolling if you want PS3's "harcore" games buy a PS3 simple.

More casual games for MS in 2009 should result in more console sales.

M$ have said there is 8 games not announced yet for 09 that are first and second party. Dont panic dude. M$ always do that.

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SpartanFX said:
ahcheng said:

I saw an article which wrote "A Microsoft rep reveled that the company plans on taking a cautious stance in 2009. The rep also indicated that with several unknown factors, such as the economy, the company may be in for some tough times. Microsoft also indicated plans to cut costs in the coming year. There are some clues that the company might be making a big shift towards the casual market in 2009. Can the company finally shake off the hardcore video game console stigma earned over the years?"


less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009? i don't think so.

let's look at the ps3 game list, Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII.


all of PS3 exclusives for 09 are 1st party,,,so there is no way they endup on anything other than PS3.(not even PC)


Right, but that's only because MS already captured the 3rd parties for next year that were purported to be PS3 exclusives.

The userbase for both systems combined is just about a 50% market share, so a lot of developers will be dual releasing the former Sony exclusives...


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Microsoft seems to have a strategy of releasing core games at about the same time Sony does.

Killzone 2 February - Halo Wars February
Halo ODST Fall - God of War III Fall
Heavy Rain Christmas - Alan Wake Christmas
GT5 Christmas - Forza 3 Christmas

Of course anything can happen, but, I think that Microsoft and Sony are competing with each other and trying to make sure the other does not release something unanswered by the other.

Darth Tigris said:
nightsurge said:
Why can't they do both? Obviously they will have more games for the hardcore, but since casual games are usually rather cheap and easy to create, why not try to spruce up the casual offerings while maintaining the hardcore offerings. I think that is what they are going to do, and I don't see how this would alienate the hardcore unless those games started suffering, which they shouldn't.

Yeah, it would 5 or 6 post before somebody makes sense. 

Thanks.  This is pretty much what I was going to say as well.  MS will have the same number of hardcore games as always, but MORE casual games too.  Its called expanding your user base, not alienating it.



That's EXACTLY what Nintendo did, but in the mind of "teh hArdCORez", after releasing a certain number of "casual" titles a company becomes once and forever "casual", no matter how many core games they may have released or planned to release.

Whoever said that casual games don't equal shoverlware is kidding themselves. Casual games are inherently lower quality.


DTG said:
Whoever said that casual games don't equal shoverlware is kidding themselves. Casual games are inherently lower quality.

They do NOT have to be. Admittedly, a lot of "casual" games are tripe. But so are a lot of "hardcore" games. It depends on how much time and effort are put into titles. Because a good casual game becomes addictive and causes the person to come back-- both for more of that game and more gaming.


EDIT  Now OT of OP -- I think that adding some casual gaming could increase the chances that the system is bought by someone who is in a household with a "mixed" gaming audience. There is certainly more reason right now to buy a 360 than a PS3 in that regard. (I have considered adding a 360 to my Wii for that reason (and decided against a PS3 when Sony dropped b/c)).

But the key is balance. Going too far to the casual side will have a negative impact. The reaction of the core 360 audience to that will make the Nintendo hardcore audience reaction seem like a walk-in-the-park.  And the reaction from the press (which in the US has become dismissive of all things Wii while the popular press continue to be positive and public continues to buy in record numbers) will be damning.

Mike from Morgantown


Those who think the only "true" gaming is is blood and gore and think "true gamers" will pay for websites with cheat codes and game discussion are kidding themselves.



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