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DTG said:
Whoever said that casual games don't equal shoverlware is kidding themselves. Casual games are inherently lower quality.

They do NOT have to be. Admittedly, a lot of "casual" games are tripe. But so are a lot of "hardcore" games. It depends on how much time and effort are put into titles. Because a good casual game becomes addictive and causes the person to come back-- both for more of that game and more gaming.


EDIT  Now OT of OP -- I think that adding some casual gaming could increase the chances that the system is bought by someone who is in a household with a "mixed" gaming audience. There is certainly more reason right now to buy a 360 than a PS3 in that regard. (I have considered adding a 360 to my Wii for that reason (and decided against a PS3 when Sony dropped b/c)).

But the key is balance. Going too far to the casual side will have a negative impact. The reaction of the core 360 audience to that will make the Nintendo hardcore audience reaction seem like a walk-in-the-park.  And the reaction from the press (which in the US has become dismissive of all things Wii while the popular press continue to be positive and public continues to buy in record numbers) will be damning.

Mike from Morgantown


Those who think the only "true" gaming is is blood and gore and think "true gamers" will pay for websites with cheat codes and game discussion are kidding themselves.



I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492