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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009?

I saw an article which wrote "A Microsoft rep reveled that the company plans on taking a cautious stance in 2009. The rep also indicated that with several unknown factors, such as the economy, the company may be in for some tough times. Microsoft also indicated plans to cut costs in the coming year. There are some clues that the company might be making a big shift towards the casual market in 2009. Can the company finally shake off the hardcore video game console stigma earned over the years?"


less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009? i don't think so.

let's look at the ps3 game list, Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII.

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They might try, but they'd best be careful about it. The people bitching about Nintendo betraying the hardcore will be nothing compared to a revolt against Microsoft, and the hardcore is all MS has.

There's not really that many third party exclusives left to woo away from Sony, either. Quantum Theory is the only one that comes to mind, since Yakuza 3 is coming too soon for a day-and-date release, and neither would be a big deal, anyway. Sony is making their own games now in a way they hadn't during the PS/PS2 years. Microsoft may have to do the same.

ahcheng said:

I saw an article which wrote "A Microsoft rep reveled that the company plans on taking a cautious stance in 2009. The rep also indicated that with several unknown factors, such as the economy, the company may be in for some tough times. Microsoft also indicated plans to cut costs in the coming year. There are some clues that the company might be making a big shift towards the casual market in 2009. Can the company finally shake off the hardcore video game console stigma earned over the years?"


less hardcore Xbox 360 games in 2009? i don't think so.

let's look at the ps3 game list, Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII.


all of PS3 exclusives for 09 are 1st party,,,so there is no way they endup on anything other than PS3.(not even PC)




"Microsoft can always pick some ps exclusive games in 2009 just like FFXIII"- Or they could actually try and develop some new IP's instead, God forbid.


I highly doubt Microsoft is doing that, as it would be getting away from their core business. We already know about Alan Wake, halo Wars, Halo:ODST, and Forza 3

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Are you people serious? What on earth do you think MS are going to do? With over twenty years of hardcore faithful gamers Nintendo did what no one else would consider, try marketing to other non gamers.

Yes MS will do it, they already tried it with movie game and lips, and they will NOT be as successful as Nintendo is either. They will merely, and be fearful of this, alienate their only audience (cores) and possibly incite a more acceptable shift to PS3 or even Wii. Acceptable because, unlike Nintendo, there is no 20 year commitment involved for them, more like 2 years considering PS2's control last gen.

2 things are intersting about this statement. 1, he believes cost cutting is related to casual games, not neccesarily when looking at the numbers involved with 1st party Wii.... games. 2, "Shake off the hardcore stigma?", that sounds like a pretty negative view of their entire market share doesn't it?, like its hindering their performance as a business.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Why can't they do both? Obviously they will have more games for the hardcore, but since casual games are usually rather cheap and easy to create, why not try to spruce up the casual offerings while maintaining the hardcore offerings. I think that is what they are going to do, and I don't see how this would alienate the hardcore unless those games started suffering, which they shouldn't.

nightsurge said:
Why can't they do both? Obviously they will have more games for the hardcore, but since casual games are usually rather cheap and easy to create, why not try to spruce up the casual offerings while maintaining the hardcore offerings. I think that is what they are going to do, and I don't see how this would alienate the hardcore unless those games started suffering, which they shouldn't.

Yeah, it would 5 or 6 post before somebody makes sense. 

Thanks.  This is pretty much what I was going to say as well.  MS will have the same number of hardcore games as always, but MORE casual games too.  Its called expanding your user base, not alienating it.


nightsurge said:
Why can't they do both? Obviously they will have more games for the hardcore, but since casual games are usually rather cheap and easy to create, why not try to spruce up the casual offerings while maintaining the hardcore offerings. I think that is what they are going to do, and I don't see how this would alienate the hardcore unless those games started suffering, which they shouldn't.

Casual games are not easy to create nor are they cheap. The most successful casaul games have spent a fair amount of time in development. All we see are the end results and since most casual games do not possess power house visuals people think that they are cheap to make. Shovelware is not the definition of a casual game. The Sims take money and resources to create. Nintendo developed casaul games take a while to develop costing time, money, and resources. Brain Age: Train your Brain in minutes a day is a well conceived and well thought out game. The other knock offs have come and gone and have not matched it's success. Nintendogs is another great casual IP and copycats have failed to live up to expectations of gamers and have not had great sales. If A company is going to develop casual games than they need to spend the money and invest the time and resources to make a great game. If not, the product will fail in the market place.

If Microsoft wants to have casual games on their system then the question is who is going to develop those games. Third parties have not been able to develop good quality casual games for the Wii, DS, or the PC. It's going to take a lot of effort.


If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


You mean Shane Kim saying tough times ahead for 2009 are likely. Yea, they probably are, heh.