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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

radha said:
Comrade Tovya said:
radha said:
tuoyo said:
radha said:
well there most wii fans that wont admit it, but there are to many good games on HD consoles to think that someone with only a wii is a hardcore gamer, how can someone not have games like gear1/2, assassin's creed, metal gear, gran turismo,final fantasy 13, etc and call himself hardcore (most hardcore last gen did ok without zelda and mario)???

when i ask people that own a wii why they have one they say "is fun to play bowling when people come by", that is not a hardcore gamer expression (this is not a bad thing), anyway, i do believe that wii is in a different market, the thing is sony and MS have found out there is a lot of money in the market nintendo have created(or discovered) and they want some of it, but that market is so different that when a hardcore gamer sees elements of like the ones on the wii in a hd console they complain, lots of people have complained about the new casual friendly xbox interface, and many hardcore didn't like LBP because it looked casual. The thing is hardcore gamers are rejecting things that are considered casual this may put the company in a position where they have to decide, if go the nintendo way or not.

At the end if you have a ps3 or 360 you may buy a wii (or the other way around) but i you have one hd console the probabilities of you getting another hd console is very low, that to me proof that ps3 and 360 satisfy different markets than the wii does, we can call that market what ever we want, casual , half hardcore, hybrid but not hardcore (i believe a hardcore gamer wants immersion even if he plays 15 minutes, a casual games is happy just by been entertained even if that means playing 4 hours i a row).

Did you accidently post in the wrong thread?  I ask because your post has no connection with the topic being discussed (and not because you have stated your opinion on what a hard core gamer wants as fact which I will leave for another day as it is completely off topic). 

Ah I think I see the connection now.  You are saying because the PS360 satisfy a different market from the Wii anytime we talk about the 360 winning it is implied it means winning over the Wii because the Wii does not satisfy hardcore gamers.  Correct?  Well I guess that works.  It's the same way I was stuck in a cage with an 800lb lion I decided to ignore it and as a result came out the winner.  The person who went into the cage after me did not ignore the lion and so was eaten up alive. 


yes that's what i was trying to say, but your illustration is not accurate, i see it more like a Ferrari vs a Rolls Royce they are cars but  but the market is different, why would ferrari be concern about the sports vehicle market if Rolls Royce makes a limousine?



I agree with this logic, but in a different way.  The PS3 is the luxury Rolls Royce and the Wii is the economical Honda Civic.  Rolls Royce knows that by making an expensive luxury vehicle, they are limiting the market they can sell it in... and Honda goes after the masses with an affordable hatchback.

But really, this war transcends price alone.  The PS3 & XBOX are largely upgrades over their own previous consoles and not much more.  The Wii phenomenon is based on the fact it is unlike any system ever created... and they do it cheaper. 

And don't discount marketing as a crucial factor in this war as well.  Nintendo's marketing in this war has been absolutely flawless and amazing.  From the kiosks in the mall demonstrating their console hands-on, to the Wii "shortage" that gave the "better get one now before their gone" mentality, to the commercials showing "grandpa" having fun with video games... and of course Nintendo's reputation for clean & safe gaming.

It was a brilliant strategy (hence the reason Microsoft has now started to mimick Nintendo).  Even if you hate the Wii, you'd be a fool not to recognize Nintendo's brilliance in this console generation.

i don't know why people think i said something bad about the wii, think is a great product, a great console.

  My point is that is targeted to a different demographics, people that are happy by just been entertained like i said, some people back in the old days wanted to find every trick,  see a game and be taken away by it,  their focus was on the game, someone into the game may not answer when you talk to him if he is immersed, a core gamer stands up feeling the same as the character he is controlling, fear, anger, surprise, etc , when he turns off the console he is planning how to overcome the challenge he left pending, his skills improve over time. Didn't you play mgs1, GoW1, Final Fantasy 7, xeno gears, Ico , Shadow of the colossus, tekken, Ocarina of time,  half life, Grand theft auto 3, demon's crest, street fighter, castlevania, jakal, wizard and warriors, Bionic commando, crystalis, wizardry, eye of the beholder, golden axe, ninja gaiden, shinobi and other games from pass gen?? They had a different feel  from wii play, wii sport,  wii music, wii fit and the other new nintendo game of this days


what you fail to graps is that nin snt holding back anything from teh hardcore crowd


if you look at the line ups you will see thatteh wii is producing just as many first party "core" title as they ever have, in fact there is a ton in dev as we speak


what you are getting in addition is tons of thrid rparty more "casual" games




so when you sit there and type that they are walking away from teh core crowd you are just plain inorrect





Around the Network
mesoteto said:
radha said:
Comrade Tovya said:
radha said:
tuoyo said:
radha said:
well there most wii fans that wont admit it, but there are to many good games on HD consoles to think that someone with only a wii is a hardcore gamer, how can someone not have games like gear1/2, assassin's creed, metal gear, gran turismo,final fantasy 13, etc and call himself hardcore (most hardcore last gen did ok without zelda and mario)???

when i ask people that own a wii why they have one they say "is fun to play bowling when people come by", that is not a hardcore gamer expression (this is not a bad thing), anyway, i do believe that wii is in a different market, the thing is sony and MS have found out there is a lot of money in the market nintendo have created(or discovered) and they want some of it, but that market is so different that when a hardcore gamer sees elements of like the ones on the wii in a hd console they complain, lots of people have complained about the new casual friendly xbox interface, and many hardcore didn't like LBP because it looked casual. The thing is hardcore gamers are rejecting things that are considered casual this may put the company in a position where they have to decide, if go the nintendo way or not.

At the end if you have a ps3 or 360 you may buy a wii (or the other way around) but i you have one hd console the probabilities of you getting another hd console is very low, that to me proof that ps3 and 360 satisfy different markets than the wii does, we can call that market what ever we want, casual , half hardcore, hybrid but not hardcore (i believe a hardcore gamer wants immersion even if he plays 15 minutes, a casual games is happy just by been entertained even if that means playing 4 hours i a row).

Did you accidently post in the wrong thread?  I ask because your post has no connection with the topic being discussed (and not because you have stated your opinion on what a hard core gamer wants as fact which I will leave for another day as it is completely off topic). 

Ah I think I see the connection now.  You are saying because the PS360 satisfy a different market from the Wii anytime we talk about the 360 winning it is implied it means winning over the Wii because the Wii does not satisfy hardcore gamers.  Correct?  Well I guess that works.  It's the same way I was stuck in a cage with an 800lb lion I decided to ignore it and as a result came out the winner.  The person who went into the cage after me did not ignore the lion and so was eaten up alive. 


yes that's what i was trying to say, but your illustration is not accurate, i see it more like a Ferrari vs a Rolls Royce they are cars but  but the market is different, why would ferrari be concern about the sports vehicle market if Rolls Royce makes a limousine?



I agree with this logic, but in a different way.  The PS3 is the luxury Rolls Royce and the Wii is the economical Honda Civic.  Rolls Royce knows that by making an expensive luxury vehicle, they are limiting the market they can sell it in... and Honda goes after the masses with an affordable hatchback.

But really, this war transcends price alone.  The PS3 & XBOX are largely upgrades over their own previous consoles and not much more.  The Wii phenomenon is based on the fact it is unlike any system ever created... and they do it cheaper. 

And don't discount marketing as a crucial factor in this war as well.  Nintendo's marketing in this war has been absolutely flawless and amazing.  From the kiosks in the mall demonstrating their console hands-on, to the Wii "shortage" that gave the "better get one now before their gone" mentality, to the commercials showing "grandpa" having fun with video games... and of course Nintendo's reputation for clean & safe gaming.

It was a brilliant strategy (hence the reason Microsoft has now started to mimick Nintendo).  Even if you hate the Wii, you'd be a fool not to recognize Nintendo's brilliance in this console generation.

i don't know why people think i said something bad about the wii, think is a great product, a great console.

  My point is that is targeted to a different demographics, people that are happy by just been entertained like i said, some people back in the old days wanted to find every trick,  see a game and be taken away by it,  their focus was on the game, someone into the game may not answer when you talk to him if he is immersed, a core gamer stands up feeling the same as the character he is controlling, fear, anger, surprise, etc , when he turns off the console he is planning how to overcome the challenge he left pending, his skills improve over time. Didn't you play mgs1, GoW1, Final Fantasy 7, xeno gears, Ico , Shadow of the colossus, tekken, Ocarina of time,  half life, Grand theft auto 3, demon's crest, street fighter, castlevania, jakal, wizard and warriors, Bionic commando, crystalis, wizardry, eye of the beholder, golden axe, ninja gaiden, shinobi and other games from pass gen?? They had a different feel  from wii play, wii sport,  wii music, wii fit and the other new nintendo game of this days


what you fail to graps is that nin snt holding back anything from teh hardcore crowd


if you look at the line ups you will see thatteh wii is producing just as many first party "core" title as they ever have, in fact there is a ton in dev as we speak


what you are getting in addition is tons of thrid rparty more "casual" games



so when you sit there and type that they are walking away from teh core crowd you are just plain inorrect




Really it just depends on what the definition of "hardcore" is.  If hardcore means, play your console/game everyday, many hours a day, then I would definitely say that any console of any generation can fall into that category.  Heck, my 7 year old still plays his PS2 & Gamecube more than his X360.  I still consider him "hardcore".

For me, my personal definition of hardcore when it comes to me is the type of game being released.  I consider the blood & guts, killer games "hardcore".  It's hardcore to "hear" your enemy moan when you kill him, and see his blood splatter realistically.  Therefore, for myself, it's the audio/visual experience.

Wii lacks the blood & guts thing I suppose.  That's why I don't like shooters on it.

But then again, there's nothing like a 12-pack of Corona and Wii Bowling for me either.  It doesn't get much more fun than that.  Plus the Wii is tons of fun when you have friends over.

For me, the X360 & PS3 is fun to play with my friends when they are across town or across the country, and the Wii can't be beat when your friends are at your house.  Each console has its own social appeal... two virtually and the other in person.



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


@Comrade Tovya
you and i agree, its Khuutra and mesoteto am arguing with, since they think we completely wrong

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

I don't disagree with Comrade Tovya at all. That he's more satisfied with HD consoles than his Wii is not only acceptable, it's normal. It's to be expected. It's respectable.

Claiming that no core gamer can be satisfied with the Wii by itself is where things start to fall apart.

Comrade Tovya said:
mesoteto said:
radha said:
Comrade Tovya said:
radha said:
tuoyo said:
radha said:
well there most wii fans that wont admit it, but there are to many good games on HD consoles to think that someone with only a wii is a hardcore gamer, how can someone not have games like gear1/2, assassin's creed, metal gear, gran turismo,final fantasy 13, etc and call himself hardcore (most hardcore last gen did ok without zelda and mario)???

when i ask people that own a wii why they have one they say "is fun to play bowling when people come by", that is not a hardcore gamer expression (this is not a bad thing), anyway, i do believe that wii is in a different market, the thing is sony and MS have found out there is a lot of money in the market nintendo have created(or discovered) and they want some of it, but that market is so different that when a hardcore gamer sees elements of like the ones on the wii in a hd console they complain, lots of people have complained about the new casual friendly xbox interface, and many hardcore didn't like LBP because it looked casual. The thing is hardcore gamers are rejecting things that are considered casual this may put the company in a position where they have to decide, if go the nintendo way or not.

At the end if you have a ps3 or 360 you may buy a wii (or the other way around) but i you have one hd console the probabilities of you getting another hd console is very low, that to me proof that ps3 and 360 satisfy different markets than the wii does, we can call that market what ever we want, casual , half hardcore, hybrid but not hardcore (i believe a hardcore gamer wants immersion even if he plays 15 minutes, a casual games is happy just by been entertained even if that means playing 4 hours i a row).

Did you accidently post in the wrong thread?  I ask because your post has no connection with the topic being discussed (and not because you have stated your opinion on what a hard core gamer wants as fact which I will leave for another day as it is completely off topic). 

Ah I think I see the connection now.  You are saying because the PS360 satisfy a different market from the Wii anytime we talk about the 360 winning it is implied it means winning over the Wii because the Wii does not satisfy hardcore gamers.  Correct?  Well I guess that works.  It's the same way I was stuck in a cage with an 800lb lion I decided to ignore it and as a result came out the winner.  The person who went into the cage after me did not ignore the lion and so was eaten up alive. 


yes that's what i was trying to say, but your illustration is not accurate, i see it more like a Ferrari vs a Rolls Royce they are cars but  but the market is different, why would ferrari be concern about the sports vehicle market if Rolls Royce makes a limousine?



I agree with this logic, but in a different way.  The PS3 is the luxury Rolls Royce and the Wii is the economical Honda Civic.  Rolls Royce knows that by making an expensive luxury vehicle, they are limiting the market they can sell it in... and Honda goes after the masses with an affordable hatchback.

But really, this war transcends price alone.  The PS3 & XBOX are largely upgrades over their own previous consoles and not much more.  The Wii phenomenon is based on the fact it is unlike any system ever created... and they do it cheaper. 

And don't discount marketing as a crucial factor in this war as well.  Nintendo's marketing in this war has been absolutely flawless and amazing.  From the kiosks in the mall demonstrating their console hands-on, to the Wii "shortage" that gave the "better get one now before their gone" mentality, to the commercials showing "grandpa" having fun with video games... and of course Nintendo's reputation for clean & safe gaming.

It was a brilliant strategy (hence the reason Microsoft has now started to mimick Nintendo).  Even if you hate the Wii, you'd be a fool not to recognize Nintendo's brilliance in this console generation.

i don't know why people think i said something bad about the wii, think is a great product, a great console.

  My point is that is targeted to a different demographics, people that are happy by just been entertained like i said, some people back in the old days wanted to find every trick,  see a game and be taken away by it,  their focus was on the game, someone into the game may not answer when you talk to him if he is immersed, a core gamer stands up feeling the same as the character he is controlling, fear, anger, surprise, etc , when he turns off the console he is planning how to overcome the challenge he left pending, his skills improve over time. Didn't you play mgs1, GoW1, Final Fantasy 7, xeno gears, Ico , Shadow of the colossus, tekken, Ocarina of time,  half life, Grand theft auto 3, demon's crest, street fighter, castlevania, jakal, wizard and warriors, Bionic commando, crystalis, wizardry, eye of the beholder, golden axe, ninja gaiden, shinobi and other games from pass gen?? They had a different feel  from wii play, wii sport,  wii music, wii fit and the other new nintendo game of this days


what you fail to graps is that nin snt holding back anything from teh hardcore crowd


if you look at the line ups you will see thatteh wii is producing just as many first party "core" title as they ever have, in fact there is a ton in dev as we speak


what you are getting in addition is tons of thrid rparty more "casual" games



so when you sit there and type that they are walking away from teh core crowd you are just plain inorrect




Really it just depends on what the definition of "hardcore" is.  If hardcore means, play your console/game everyday, many hours a day, then I would definitely say that any console of any generation can fall into that category.  Heck, my 7 year old still plays his PS2 & Gamecube more than his X360.  I still consider him "hardcore".

For me, my personal definition of hardcore when it comes to me is the type of game being released.  I consider the blood & guts, killer games "hardcore".  It's hardcore to "hear" your enemy moan when you kill him, and see his blood splatter realistically.  Therefore, for myself, it's the audio/visual experience.

Wii lacks the blood & guts thing I suppose.  That's why I don't like shooters on it.

But then again, there's nothing like a 12-pack of Corona and Wii Bowling for me either.  It doesn't get much more fun than that.  Plus the Wii is tons of fun when you have friends over.

For me, the X360 & PS3 is fun to play with my friends when they are across town or across the country, and the Wii can't be beat when your friends are at your house.  Each console has its own social appeal... two virtually and the other in person.


Wii has the blood and guts think, but I don't know about shooters.

If Wii got more shooters and they where original (to a degree), exclusive games with all the blood you want, would you buy them?

Around the Network

apparently you think that a hardcore gamer is someone that plays for a long time. I would like to see that wii games that are hardcore and at the same time are owned by the majority of wii owners, this would be evidence that the system is seen as both a hardcore and casual console. Again a hardcore gamer that owns a wii and haven't played MGS4, gears1/2, bioshock or any other hardcore game of this gen would be already planning on baying a ps360.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Khuutra said:
I don't disagree with Comrade Tovya at all. That he's more satisfied with HD consoles than his Wii is not only acceptable, it's normal. It's to be expected. It's respectable.

Claiming that no core gamer can be satisfied with the Wii by itself is where things start to fall apart.


Exactly, you see, we are on the same page as well.

If the Atari 2600 made a come back, and people started buying tons of cartridges for it, and playing it like crazy, it doesn't make them any less hardcore gamers in the general sense.

I think that the industry considers a hardcore gamer a gamer who buys lots of games... buys the expansion packs, console wallpapers/themes.  It's all about the money.  If grandma buys a Wii, and only plays Wii Sports, and never buys another game, she's not a hardcore gamer in MS' or Sony's defininition.  But under Nintendo's defininition, she could be.  Why?  Because she's already made them a profit because Nintendo makes loads of cash on the console alone.

Sony & MS have to sell tons of software (and in MS' case, XBOX LIVE) to make money off of their customers.  Because they both make little, nothing, or lose on every console sold.  They make their money on products other than the consoles.

So the industry definition of a "hardcore" gamer is someone who consistently turns a profit for their company.  Nintendo has it better this generation because they make money starting on day one.  Ms & Sony have to work at it by convincing their userbase to continue to buy software and services.

Hardcore Gamer = Profitable Customer



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Tuulikk said:

Wii has the blood and guts think, but I don't know about shooters.

If Wii got more shooters and they where original (to a degree), exclusive games with all the blood you want, would you buy them?


Yes.  Not as much as I would for the 360 or PS3, but only because of the HD graphics & sound of those two consoles.  I like the Wii, I just want to see more games that interest me is all.

And as I've stated a million times, I think Nintendo was absolutely brilliant this time around (and I think it has been since at least the SNES that I've said that about them).


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
Tuulikk said:

Wii has the blood and guts think, but I don't know about shooters.

If Wii got more shooters and they where original (to a degree), exclusive games with all the blood you want, would you buy them?


Yes.  Not as much as I would for the 360 or PS3, but only because of the HD graphics & sound of those two consoles.  I like the Wii, I just want to see more games that interest me is all.

And as I've stated a million times, I think Nintendo was absolutely brilliant this time around (and I think it has been since at least the SNES that I've said that about them)

Comrade Tovya to you hardcore is violent? all you mentioned was blood and guts, is that what hardcore is about to you?

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

radha said:
apparently you think that a hardcore gamer is someone that plays for a long time. I would like to see that wii games that are hardcore and at the same time are owned by the majority of wii owners, this would be evidence that the system is seen as both a hardcore and casual console. Again a hardcore gamer that owns a wii and haven't played MGS4, gears1/2, bioshock or any other hardcore game of this gen would be already planning on baying a ps360.


I disagree.

What makes you think that all "hardcore gamers" have the exact same interest in games?

I like Final Fantasy (obviously), but I don't expect every hardcore gamer to share my interest in RPGs.   I'm not a big fan of GTA or realistic racing games -- I much prefer Mario Kart (though F-Zero is actually my fav).  Everyone has different interests and tastes, even among hardcore gamers.

Isn't it possible for someone to be a hardcore gamer and simply prefer the style of game available on the Wii more than the shooter-dominated 360 or PS3?

And what about something possibly "new," like the female hardcore gamer, who might not have much of an interest in Gears of War... but maybe she can find something that she wants to play somewhere else?

You seem to want to believe that hardcore gamers are those people who have the same interests in gaming that you do, and since you can't personally imagine only owning a Wii this gen, you believe that a true hardcore gamer wouldn't...

But: you don't get to set the standard for "hardcore gaming," whatever that actually means, and whether or not it makes any real difference in the world.

Finally, I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer; I started with the computer consoles (requiring floppys or being hard-wired with pong variations) and game to this day.  I only have a Wii.  It's not that I don't have an interest in any other games (I'd love to play through Bioshock or MSG4), but that my gaming needs are satisfied with the Wii.  It's the friendliest console for my household, given that I want to include my fiancee in my love for gaming, and I love features like the Virtual Console and the innovations that Nintendo seems continually to deliver.  Finally, several of the games kick ass -- I put Super Mario Galaxy easily in my Top 5, all time.

And, btw, if you think you've gotten some hostile feedback on this topic, it's because you've set yourself up as "the person who gets to decide who's hardcore and who isn't."  Sorry, but there is no one who gets to do that, and if there was someone, it probably wouldn't be you. ;)