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Khuutra said:
I don't disagree with Comrade Tovya at all. That he's more satisfied with HD consoles than his Wii is not only acceptable, it's normal. It's to be expected. It's respectable.

Claiming that no core gamer can be satisfied with the Wii by itself is where things start to fall apart.


Exactly, you see, we are on the same page as well.

If the Atari 2600 made a come back, and people started buying tons of cartridges for it, and playing it like crazy, it doesn't make them any less hardcore gamers in the general sense.

I think that the industry considers a hardcore gamer a gamer who buys lots of games... buys the expansion packs, console wallpapers/themes.  It's all about the money.  If grandma buys a Wii, and only plays Wii Sports, and never buys another game, she's not a hardcore gamer in MS' or Sony's defininition.  But under Nintendo's defininition, she could be.  Why?  Because she's already made them a profit because Nintendo makes loads of cash on the console alone.

Sony & MS have to sell tons of software (and in MS' case, XBOX LIVE) to make money off of their customers.  Because they both make little, nothing, or lose on every console sold.  They make their money on products other than the consoles.

So the industry definition of a "hardcore" gamer is someone who consistently turns a profit for their company.  Nintendo has it better this generation because they make money starting on day one.  Ms & Sony have to work at it by convincing their userbase to continue to buy software and services.

Hardcore Gamer = Profitable Customer



Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
