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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most offensive video game list.

This list is from

Its pretty much for violence,but it also says it includes other stuff,like gays/lesbians,making you fat (don't know word)and other..

  1. Grand Theft Auto IV (18+)
  2. Saint's Row 2 (18+)
  3. Fallout 3 (18+)
  4. Bioshock (18+)
  5. Manhunt 2 (18+)
  6. Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (18+)
  7. Condemned 2: Bloodshot (18+)
  8. Blitz: The League II (ei julkaistu)
  9. Crackdown (18+)
  10. The Darkness (18+)
  11. God of War II (18+)
  12. Mass Effect (18+)
  13. Bully: Scolarship Edition (16+)
  14. Def Jam: Icon (18+)
  15. Devil May Cry 4 (16+)
  16. Fable II (16+)
  17. God of War: Chains of Olympus (18+)
  18. Metal Gear Solid 4 (18+)
  19. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (16+)
  20. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (12+)
  21. Haze (18+)
  22. Hellgate: London (18+)
  23. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (18+)
  24. No More Heroes (16+)
  25. Silent Hill: Homecoming (tulossa 2009)
  26. Stranglehold (18+)
  27. Army of Two (18+)
  28. Gears of War 2 (18+)
  29. Silent Hill: Origins (18+)
  30. Resistance 2 (18+)

I get most of them,but games like Metal gear solid 4,WOW,Fable 2,Bioshock are weird on list..



Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network

What was remotely offensive about MGS4, BioShock, Burning Crusade, and Fable II? Hell, most of them aren't offensive at all.

I suppose it would make a LOT more sense if it meant "most inappropriate", although I still don't see how Burning Crusade could get on there unless... OH, ADDICTION!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Shouldn't Resistance:FoM be on that list for the cathedral rootin' tootin' shootin' gallery?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

You know what worries me? The possibility that that link might just be serious...

Go on, click it.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

You need to download PDF file,I think.
This link was on one gamingsite at Finland,you know,they put this data up and then but source link on page...



Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network

I did. I looked at that PDF, and parts of it were hilarious.

I think the ESRB is getting OCD.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

also, no Dead Space in top 30?

*possible spolier alert*

like when that nurse cuts her own neck with the saw?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

hold on hold on.
GT5 :P got a point on the scorecard for sex?!?!?!?!?
Did I miss something or are they just refering to the sexy cars?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spankey said:
hold on hold on.
GT5 :P got a point on the scorecard for sex?!?!?!?!?
Did I miss something or are they just refering to the sexy cars?

You're right!!!

That is so strange.  I can't think of a less offensive game, really.  I mean you can't even crash or damage the car for a thrill (not bashing BTW, I have and very much like the game, just pointing this out).

Maybe they were squinting at the screen harder than me and spotted something?  Perhaps some of the crowd are women sporting revealing clothes?


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

...a score for Gay / Lesbian? Confused at to what that one is getting at? (This aimed at the religious crazies right?)


EDIT: Oh and on the GT5:pro thing, Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window

Hmm, pie.