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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ready for the next cod?

I wish they would just release some more expansion maps for COD4. The last 4 they released were pretty nice, but considering the user base of COD4 is still as high as it is, they should release a $4.95 expansion to keep it fresh.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Comrade Tovya said:
I wish they would just release some more expansion maps for COD4. The last 4 they released were pretty nice, but considering the user base of COD4 is still as high as it is, they should release a $4.95 expansion to keep it fresh.

I would prefer they just worked on 6 now. Most people have moved on to WaW already. They should have released their maps earlier, because I was getting a little bored of the gameplay by then, and I had just played too much by then to get back into the game after quitting and was just a little bored of it

Munkeh111 said:
Comrade Tovya said:
I wish they would just release some more expansion maps for COD4. The last 4 they released were pretty nice, but considering the user base of COD4 is still as high as it is, they should release a $4.95 expansion to keep it fresh.

I would prefer they just worked on 6 now. Most people have moved on to WaW already. They should have released their maps earlier, because I was getting a little bored of the gameplay by then, and I had just played too much by then to get back into the game after quitting and was just a little bored of it


I couldn't get myself into WaW.. I tried, but the whole Nazi/Japanese killing wargames have run their course for me... I want them to bury the WWII genre for good.

I would like to see an early release of the new Modern Warfare though, it was the best one thus far in my opinion.  Regardless, COD is still my favorite shooter franchise of all time.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I know i'm looking forward to CoD6 next November. But it will be interesting to see what year the game happens in and what factions are going up against the US or some other western power. I also wonder if they are going to keep it as arcade like as the first one or try to change and go with a more KZ style.

Griffin said:
I know i'm looking forward to CoD6 next November. But it will be interesting to see what year the game happens in and what factions are going up against the US or some other western power. I also wonder if they are going to keep it as arcade like as the first one or try to change and go with a more KZ style.


I hope the storyline mode lasts a little longer.  The visuals were awesome, but hunting down al-khazar (or whatever the heck his name was) was way too easy and fast.  We've been looking for bin-Laden for a decade since the Clinton years and we still haven't found him... couldn't they just make it a bit more challenging this time?


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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I don't want them to make the main storyline too long. I see it as a very cinematic experience, and the longer the game gets, the more the story is diluted and in most cases, as shown by games like Uncharted, short and punch is very good. I think that is the way CoD should be. It is a warm up to the online multiplayer as well!


no way....single player should be long..

that is one of the bad things bout this gen....single player has become too short!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

no way....single player should be long..

that is one of the bad things bout this gen....single player has become too short!

I like short and sharp

darthdevidem01 said:

no way....single player should be long..

that is one of the bad things bout this gen....single player has become too short!


I'm with you... RainbowSix Vegas & Vegas 2.  The story literally is over within an hour and a half.  COD4, maybe two hours at most (though I think it was probably shorter).  Battlefield: BC, storyline was too dumb to even call a story really.  I don't know, the list could go on.  I think developers are more worried about the online multiplayer side more than anything.  Good story lines are dead... even the ones that are long usually suck anyway.  Heck, Mario 2 had a better storyline than most games nowadays.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I do find it a little ironic though.. they announced this at an "in-game advertising conference" Can you imagine the possibilities:

"Colonel, the prisoners last wish is a Colt .45"
"Alright Private, give it to him"
The private hands the prisoner a can of Colt .45 beer.
"Not that Private, I meant he could have this..."
The Colonel pulls out a Colt .45 handgun, and the camera pans slowly over the "Colt" logo on the barrel of the gun.
Put's it to his head, and, bang, the screen goes black.

You see that, you get two ads for the price of one... a beer commercial and a pro-NRA ad all at once.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
