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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ready for the next cod?


fall 2009 as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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They probably want to release a new one every six months now. Look at how much this franchise sells, it's huge.


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It's about time they announced a new Guitar Hero. The drought has ended!

Boy, when Activision dropped all those games (Ghostbusters ) because they "weren't exploitable enough," they weren't kidding around. The new EA, confirmed.

this is still a year away,,there are lots of good stuff before that game hits:

Resident evil 5
Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
Fear 2




That's ridiculous, I hope it fails just to teach them a lesson.

it won't, because all you guys have no doubt already run out to the shops and preordered this game.

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Oh I am so happy! I bought CoD WaW and I hate it! I stopped playing it after about 2-3 hours. Also the setting (WWII) is just so boring. And I hated all the guns and..well everything else too! And I'ts good that the rumors about the next CoD being set in the future are untrue...right? Ah Im just so happy that the series is moving forward not backwards.

I for one am glad. The Modern Warfare concept is better, because the WWII genre has been over developed and over played. You can only play in so many WWII theatres of operation before it starts to feel the same as the last.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I cannot wait for both games! I love both franchises and they keep me very entertained but keep my money low lol

Great news! But I think this has been announced already, this is just a confirmation

I personally can't wait, I heard it's going to be modern warfare. While I do enjoy WaW, the multiplayer annoys me a little bit. Recently I went back to cod4 and had a ton of fun. A new modern warfare would be amazing.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~