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Forums - Sony Discussion - 12 HD Killzone 2 Single Player mode videos!!!

as i said in other thread,,Sony should overuse this engine instead of that crappy unreal 3 engine.this way Sony devs can pump out games every year (they don't have to be worried that much about making an engine and optimizing it)




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bbsin said:You a fanboy? true or false, I could care less, it has nothing to do with my point. I was just using Gears as an example since it's a popular game. I'll use any other examples if you want...

For instance. I've shot enemies to death in COD4 with a shotgun to the toes, are you going to whine about that?

I've also punched an enemy to death in uncharted, is that also a problem?

In Farcry2 you could shoot someone in the neck and they'd fall down while grasing their knees. etc

The only thing you're doing now is nitpicking and whining about a minor issue (which can probably be fixed by upping the difficulty) that has always been in vidogames. You're acting like KZ2 is THE exception here. Cut the crap already.

Because you could care less, that means you care. I assure you I am not a fanboy. Yes, I would mention those issues...especially when people become apoplectic at the mere mention of the game.


Wow.. I thought Jackson might have stopped bashing the game but he still keeps on going.

I'll give you +1 for perseverance.

Anyway just watched the welcome video. LOL he ate lead in the middle of a crossfire. XD

mmm,,,i ll wait to make a comment on that after i see Uncharted 2,,,let's not forget the GOWIII engine.

I wonder why does sony needs this many engines for their first party titles?




Jackson50 said:
bbsin said:You a fanboy? true or false, I could care less, it has nothing to do with my point. I was just using Gears as an example since it's a popular game. I'll use any other examples if you want...

For instance. I've shot enemies to death in COD4 with a shotgun to the toes, are you going to whine about that?

I've also punched an enemy to death in uncharted, is that also a problem?

In Farcry2 you could shoot someone in the neck and they'd fall down while grasing their knees. etc

The only thing you're doing now is nitpicking and whining about a minor issue (which can probably be fixed by upping the difficulty) that has always been in vidogames. You're acting like KZ2 is THE exception here. Cut the crap already.

Because you could care less, that means you care. I assure you I am not a fanboy. Yes, I would mention those issues...especially when people become apoplectic at the mere mention of the game.


....listen, I'm not getting into a stupid fanboy argument with you. You say you're not a fanboy? fine. whatever. Good for you. I never said or implied that you were. You probably thought I did, but that's only because you missed my point. I honestly don't care.

As for people going nuts for a game such as Killzone2, why do you care? You're the prime example of those types of people that wait for fans to get excited for a product, only to step in and break up the hype. In otherwords, you're a nitpicking troll. You know for a fact that it's a minor issue and every game does the same thing, yet you bring it up just because you feel that others are getting too excited about it? Give me a break.

If you don't think KZ2 is worth the attention, then why not ignore it?

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Sony doesn't need to spread this engine around. All of their first party studios use their own proprietary engines, and they share tips and tricks with each other to make the most out of each engine (for example, Naughty Dog received help from Guerrilla to decrease the flickering shadows in Uncharted).

Evolution Studios haves their own engine for MotorStorm (MotorStorm was the first ps3 game to have dynamic shadows on every object in the game, fyi), Sony Liverpool have their own engine, Sony Santa Monica have their own engine, etc. etc.

I fully expect Uncharted 2 and God of War III to at least match Killzone 2 in most areas, if not surpass it.

whoever is playing on those previews is a crappy player...

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Man i really wanna try this game thats why im hoping for a demo.


makingmusic476 said:
Sony doesn't need to spread this engine around. All of their first party studios use their own proprietary engines, and they share tips and tricks with each other to make the most out of each engine (for example, Naughty Dog received help from Guerrilla to decrease the flickering shadows in Uncharted).

Evolution Studios haves their own engine for MotorStorm (MotorStorm was the first ps3 game to have dynamic shadows on every object in the game, fyi), Sony Liverpool have their own engine, Sony Santa Monica have their own engine, etc. etc.

I fully expect Uncharted 2 and God of War III to at least match Killzone 2 in most areas, if not surpass it.

I hope you're right, but personally, I wouldn't expect them to. Not because I don't want them to, but I will not be dissappointed if they don't and I will be happily surprised if they do.

bbsin said:....listen, I'm not getting into a stupid fanboy argument with you. You say you're not a fanboy? fine. whatever. Good for you. I never said or implied that you were. You probably thought I did, but that's only because you missed my point. I honestly don't care.

As for people going nuts for a game such as Killzone2, why do you care? You're the prime example of those types of people that wait for fans to get excited for a product, only to step in and break up the hype. In otherwords, you're a nitpicking troll. You know for a fact that it's a minor issue and every game does the same thing, yet you bring it up just because you feel that others are getting too excited about it? Give me a break.

If you don't think KZ2 is worth the attention, then why not ignore it?

I understood your point, but you said you could care less that I was a fanboy. That means you cared some, at the very least. It is a minor issue, but you must keep it within context...I posted it in response to someone who was equally excited about something minor...a headshot. I understand guarded optimism for this game. I pray it does well and that it is enjoyable. I do not, however, believe Guerrilla has created anything worthwhile that justifies the hype this game is receiving and will be there to temper this unwarranted hype.