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bbsin said:....listen, I'm not getting into a stupid fanboy argument with you. You say you're not a fanboy? fine. whatever. Good for you. I never said or implied that you were. You probably thought I did, but that's only because you missed my point. I honestly don't care.

As for people going nuts for a game such as Killzone2, why do you care? You're the prime example of those types of people that wait for fans to get excited for a product, only to step in and break up the hype. In otherwords, you're a nitpicking troll. You know for a fact that it's a minor issue and every game does the same thing, yet you bring it up just because you feel that others are getting too excited about it? Give me a break.

If you don't think KZ2 is worth the attention, then why not ignore it?

I understood your point, but you said you could care less that I was a fanboy. That means you cared some, at the very least. It is a minor issue, but you must keep it within context...I posted it in response to someone who was equally excited about something minor...a headshot. I understand guarded optimism for this game. I pray it does well and that it is enjoyable. I do not, however, believe Guerrilla has created anything worthwhile that justifies the hype this game is receiving and will be there to temper this unwarranted hype.