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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ghostbusters relaunch trailer, release date, and new progress report

rocketpig said:
Onyxmeth said:

What are you guys talking about? This game rocks. When I was six it was all about Mario Bros. 2 + 3, Friday the 13th game, and Ghostbusters game. Now Jaws, that game was shit.

If you weren't a moderator, I would so fucking ban you for saying anything positive about the Friday the 13th game.


10 Reasons why Friday the 13th for NES rocks!

1. The cartridge has a kickass top shot of Jason Voorhees.

2. The game takes place at a camp. Kickass! You want to know what other kickass game took place at a camp? Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly on Gameboy.

3. It's a difficult game, but not in a "this game is broken" sort of way. It's just challenging trying to beat Jason.

4. It looks fantastic for an NES game. Definitely one of the shining examples of stellar 8-bit graphics.

5. Both of the songs, the camp grounds song and cabin song are amazing. Such memorable music. I put it up there among the best of that era, like Mario and Mega Man.

6. You get to fight the floating head of Jason's mother and her attack is ramming herself into you. Genius!

7. You fight zombies the majority of the time, and wolves the rest of the time. How can you go wrong with that?

8. Your weapons are rocks and throwing knives. Wicked cool that is.

9. It's the first game ever with a real alternating day and night system.

10. Not only do you have three studly camp counselor guys to pick from as playable characters, but you also have three sexy camp counselor ladies to pick from. Meeoooww!

How's your itchy banning finger now rocketpig?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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rocketpig said:

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Agree and disagree. Depends on their reasoning.


At 9:55 AM sure...but it wouldn't stay like that for very long maybe 6 months tops without human intervention.

A good example is the Yellowstone fires of '88, the park was basically burnt to a crisp:

Yet 1 year later much of the park looked like this:


So yeah the reason works if you say it's very recent or recurring destruction, but that's not always the case.

PS - Note pics are actually from Yellowstone right after and 1 year later.  Grabbed them from the wikipedia page.

@HD vs Wii graphics discussion,

I really don't get why some of you feel the need to take a dump on the other side...If you like one or the other better say "wow HD/Wii version looks awesome".  Don't be the guy who starts a fight by saying "HD/Wii version looks like shit".  If you want to compare the two then start a thread, but leave the fanboy ego boosting out of the thread meant to raise awareness and promote the game.

This thread isn't about soothing your ego and making you feel good about your console purchase.  So stuff it.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Onyxmeth said:
rocketpig said:
Onyxmeth said:

What are you guys talking about? This game rocks. When I was six it was all about Mario Bros. 2 + 3, Friday the 13th game, and Ghostbusters game. Now Jaws, that game was shit.

If you weren't a moderator, I would so fucking ban you for saying anything positive about the Friday the 13th game.


10 Reasons why Friday the 13th for NES rocks!

1. The cartridge has a kickass top shot of Jason Voorhees.

2. The game takes place at a camp. Kickass! You want to know what other kickass game took place at a camp? Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly on Gameboy.

3. It's a difficult game, but not in a "this game is broken" sort of way. It's just challenging trying to beat Jason.

4. It looks fantastic for an NES game. Definitely one of the shining examples of stellar 8-bit graphics.

5. Both of the songs, the camp grounds song and cabin song are amazing. Such memorable music. I put it up there among the best of that era, like Mario and Mega Man.

6. You get to fight the floating head of Jason's mother and her attack is ramming herself into you. Genius!

7. You fight zombies the majority of the time, and wolves the rest of the time. How can you go wrong with that?

8. Your weapons are rocks and throwing knives. Wicked cool that is.

9. It's the first game ever with a real alternating day and night system.

10. Not only do you have three studly camp counselor guys to pick from as playable characters, but you also have three sexy camp counselor ladies to pick from. Meeoooww!

How's your itchy banning finger now rocketpig?



oh lol.

this should be fun!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

theRepublic said:
rocketpig said:
theRepublic said:
How could Atari screw this game up? This game was originally slated for a Q4 08 release if I remember right. So I would assume that it is mostly done, and they are starting to give it that final polish. There shouldn't be a whole lot left to screw up.

I'm convinced that Atari could screw up the launch of a blowjob/house cleaning/car maintenance machine that retails for $49.

Do not underestimate their ineptitude.


Well alright.  The only thing I would be worried about is the marketing, but the game itself should be safe (I hope).

I agree about that IP policy, by the way.  I couldn't believe it when I heard it.  If you're gonna do that, keep it to yourself.  At least try and fool us into thinking that you give a fuck and are going to make good games.

Exactly my point. If the CEO isn't smart enough to shut the hell up about company policies like that, he shouldn't be the head executive of anything. Companies do shit like this all the time but most of the time they're smart enough to keep quiet about it until the public notices several years later.

To top it off, this cockface led a company to deficits year after year and only after they merged with a company so fucking profitable that they didn't know what to do with the money did he get "the right" to make statements like that one.

Expect him to be gone within a year. No one that stupid will survive under Blizzard's rule.


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Sqrl said:
rocketpig said:

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Agree and disagree. Depends on their reasoning.


At 9:55 AM sure...but it wouldn't stay like that for very long maybe 6 months tops without human intervention.

A good example is the Yellowstone fires of '88, the park was basically burnt to a crisp:

Yet 1 year later much of the park looked like this:


So yeah the reason works if you say it's very recent or recurring destruction, but that's not always the case.

@HD vs Wii graphics discussion,

I really don't get why some of you feel the need to take a dump on the other side...If you like one or the other better say "wow HD/Wii version looks awesome".  Don't be the guy who starts a fight by saying "HD/Wii version looks like shit".  If you want to compare the two then start a thread, but leave the fanboy ego boosting outside the thread meant to raise awareness and promote the game.

PS - Note pics are actually from Yellowstone right after and 1 year later.  Grabbed them from the wikipedia page.



Sqrl, I like you.

Have you ever been to a fire site one year after?

I have. There are a few flowers... Mixed with mad black and destruction. Too bad that little photo doesn't show a real perspective on the surroundings. Some areas quickly repopulate but after seeing Yellowstone two years after, most areas didn't look like that. Most were still shallow, empty husks of their former selves.

But that picture made me feel better.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Around the Network

Just a note about the color-- you've only really seen a small selection of environments the game has to offer (mainly the library and a little bit at night on the streets/rooftops of New York).

The game has quite a few different environments and we do try to offer more colors than gray and brown.


And yeah, I really cannot understand why the ActiBlizzard made that exploitation comment.  That's one of those you you say amongst people close to you, never someplace that will actually quote you.

am I the only one who looks at that deer and thinks "mmm...Jerky"?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Onyxmeth said:
rocketpig said:
Onyxmeth said:

What are you guys talking about? This game rocks. When I was six it was all about Mario Bros. 2 + 3, Friday the 13th game, and Ghostbusters game. Now Jaws, that game was shit.

If you weren't a moderator, I would so fucking ban you for saying anything positive about the Friday the 13th game.


10 Reasons why Friday the 13th for NES rocks!

1. The cartridge has a kickass top shot of Jason Voorhees.

2. The game takes place at a camp. Kickass! You want to know what other kickass game took place at a camp? Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly on Gameboy.

3. It's a difficult game, but not in a "this game is broken" sort of way. It's just challenging trying to beat Jason.

4. It looks fantastic for an NES game. Definitely one of the shining examples of stellar 8-bit graphics.

5. Both of the songs, the camp grounds song and cabin song are amazing. Such memorable music. I put it up there among the best of that era, like Mario and Mega Man.

6. You get to fight the floating head of Jason's mother and her attack is ramming herself into you. Genius!

7. You fight zombies the majority of the time, and wolves the rest of the time. How can you go wrong with that?

8. Your weapons are rocks and throwing knives. Wicked cool that is.

9. It's the first game ever with a real alternating day and night system.

10. Not only do you have three studly camp counselor guys to pick from as playable characters, but you also have three sexy camp counselor ladies to pick from. Meeoooww!

How's your itchy banning finger now rocketpig?


1. Yes, I agree. That pic is still one of the best cartridge tops ever.

2. The game didn't take place in a camp. It took place in a four-walled box followed by long side-scrolling fighting... uh... zombies? WTF?

3. The game isn't broken, it's just damned-near impossible. And not in a "fun" way. It just sucks. Meet Jason early in the game, die. Restart game, hope you don't meet that creep again until you figure out the obscure fucking controls. Wonderful.

4. No. I think Ice Climber had better graphics.

5. Okay, the music kinda kicked ass. But you're still wrong.

6. You have a mommy complex.

7. Yeah, obviously the Oblivion development team felt the same way.

8. Rocks? The dude is coming at you from an apparently available toolshed full of chainsaws, axes, knives, machetes, etc... Why can't your dumbass stumble across at least one of those?

9. Very cool... But I think that originated the horror game as in "Oh fuck, it's night and I'm screwed" type of play. In fact, I don't think anything other than Silent Hill has duplicated that kind of feel, though for very, very different reasons.

10. I agree.


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rocketpig said:


Sqrl, I like you.

Have you ever been to a fire site one year after?

I have. There are a few flowers... Mixed with mad black and destruction. Too bad that little photo doesn't show a real perspective on the surroundings. Some areas quickly repopulate but after seeing Yellowstone two years after, most areas didn't look like that. Most were still shallow, empty husks of their former selves.

But that picture made me feel better.


Fair enough, but then where are the "few" flowers in these games!  I can't really remember the last time I saw a colorful field of flowers in a game..I know it's been done, just drawing a blank atm is all.

On a more serious note, my point was that while some games can be excused because the environment "is what it is"... there are still others where 10, 50, or 100 years after a major battle or explosion the destruction is still just sitting there and nothing has changed.

edit: PS - I like you too! /hug

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
rocketpig said:


Sqrl, I like you.

Have you ever been to a fire site one year after?

I have. There are a few flowers... Mixed with mad black and destruction. Too bad that little photo doesn't show a real perspective on the surroundings. Some areas quickly repopulate but after seeing Yellowstone two years after, most areas didn't look like that. Most were still shallow, empty husks of their former selves.

But that picture made me feel better.


Fair enough, but then where are the "few" flowers in these games!  I can't really remember the last time I saw a colorful field of flowers in a game..I know it's been done, just drawing a blank atm is all.

On a more serious note, my point was that while some games can be excused because the environment "is what it is"... there are still others where 10, 50, or 100 years after a major battle or explosion the destruction is still just sitting there and nothing has changed.

edit: PS - I like you too! /hug

Very good point, and I agree. For example, when I play Fallout 3, there is very little reason for there to be color and when it does appear, something different is happening.

On the other hand, other games don't have the same luxury. Whether we face it or not, we have been ingrained to acknowledge color (different visual) to be an "access point" or "touch me" point. It's what we've been taught to think as game players.

On top of lack of imagination and bland visuals, we should be thinking... "how is there a way to let us know where we need to go?"

Sound has been done, visuals have been done, visceral has been done (rumble)... How do we progress?


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