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Sqrl said:
rocketpig said:

Like I said, I blame the lack of imagination. It's hard to create an interesting gameplay environment without a city. With the city, you get loads of bland colors. Think of 9/11 ground zero. There were plenty of colors there at 8:55 AM. At 9:55 AM, not so much. All grey.

Agree and disagree. Depends on their reasoning.


At 9:55 AM sure...but it wouldn't stay like that for very long maybe 6 months tops without human intervention.

A good example is the Yellowstone fires of '88, the park was basically burnt to a crisp:

Yet 1 year later much of the park looked like this:


So yeah the reason works if you say it's very recent or recurring destruction, but that's not always the case.

@HD vs Wii graphics discussion,

I really don't get why some of you feel the need to take a dump on the other side...If you like one or the other better say "wow HD/Wii version looks awesome".  Don't be the guy who starts a fight by saying "HD/Wii version looks like shit".  If you want to compare the two then start a thread, but leave the fanboy ego boosting outside the thread meant to raise awareness and promote the game.

PS - Note pics are actually from Yellowstone right after and 1 year later.  Grabbed them from the wikipedia page.



Sqrl, I like you.

Have you ever been to a fire site one year after?

I have. There are a few flowers... Mixed with mad black and destruction. Too bad that little photo doesn't show a real perspective on the surroundings. Some areas quickly repopulate but after seeing Yellowstone two years after, most areas didn't look like that. Most were still shallow, empty husks of their former selves.

But that picture made me feel better.

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