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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Until 2018?

12 year plan? Sony could be going for the long, long haul here.

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O_o I hope thats true becuse id love to have my PS3 for ever XD.... But i seriously doubt it :((.

I expect PS4 to come beginning of 2012. ( Yay 4 years left )

They will try to stretch it as long as possible but they will be forced to release another console as late as 2 years after Microsoft released theirs, so 2013 is my prediction.

I don't think they're going to make the mistake of releasing a system late again. The PS4 is going to be basically just an upgraded version of the PS3, so it's going to be easier to design and cheaper to produce. I sure hope they make sure they release at about the same time and avoid a $600 price tag. They definitely won't release 2 years after MS does. They DEFINITELY won't release the PS4 in 2018. That's just absurd.


I agree. I can see the PS4 having the same CPU and GPU as the PS3 but with faster clock rates and some extra optimisations, as well as much more RAM and an "innovative" controller.

That way the BC won't be an issue, the costs will be low initially, and 3rd parties will not have problems making games for it. Basically, a PS3.5 @ $300 in 4-5 years

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

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this is possible but probably not gonna happen
the reason i say this is possible is because the 400gb blu ray disk, is compatible with the ps3

There's no way it would last that long.  And it's not true that devs are barely scratching the Cell's potential.


Chances are Sony will replace it after 5 or 6 years and try to go profitabl enext generation

It will not even last 10 years. The only console that could live that long is the Wii.

Doesn't matter much to me, so long as the PS3 gets support for a long time. I'll probably be about halfway through college (yeah, I plan on going to college for a long, long time) when the PS4 comes out, and I doubt I'll be able to afford one. and my parents (aka my mom and my dad went along with it) have officially decided that video games are the source of all evil and I shouldn't have anything to do with them anymore, so I think that I can rule getting the PS4 as a gift out.

Why does everyone take 10 years so seriously.

It's not ten years until the next console, but ten years of production. Much like the PS1 and soon to be PS2 in 14 months.