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Forums - Sony Discussion - Any info on KZ2's bots?

Everytime a KZ2 thread pops up, it's almost always about graphics so I barely know a damn thing about the actual gameplay itself. Are bots in the beta? It's already been confirmed that the game does have bot support, which is a HUGE plus for me. Great FPS games with bot support are really rare. Perfect Dark, Counter-Strike: Source, are 2 that I can think of, unless you count UT3 which wasn't too big of a game.

What I'm really wondering is, are the bots gonna be a big focus or just some last-minute half-assed thing? That was kinda the case for CSS, considering that they weren't even added till long after the game's release. Perfect Dark was the complete opposite - there was a good amount of options for tweaking the bot AI. Combined with the ridiculous amount of options in the multiplayer itself, that game kept me busy for months, even when I wasn't playing splitscreen with others. Considering that the game was far ahead of it's time, I wonder if KZ2 will be able to compete with it in terms of gameplay.

While KZ2 doesn't doesn't have co-op (dissapointing), I think bots could actually fill in that gap.  Again, I'm gonna bring up Perfect Dark because it's an 8-year old game that has more tweakable options and features than most FPS today, which I find pretty sad. In PD, you could give your bots all kinds of orders and commands, as well as adjusting their skill level, and "personality". In KZ2, multiple players against a team of skilled bots could end up being an awesome replacement for a real "co-op". A few friends and I used to occasionally challenge a full team of bots, and it was great fun. One of the other big advantages of bots is being able to fill a match up with action without actually needing people. We already know the game has upto 32 players.....I personally see tons of potential in whole idea of adding bots. It all depends on what they're gonna do with those bots. 

Does anyone else think that bots can be a huge boost to multiplayer gaming?

PSN: Parasitic_Link

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There are not bots in the beta but honestly, i don't think you're going to need them. Games actually fill up pretty fast and its extremely fun. Gameplay is phenomenal and is a day 1 buy. I keep Hearing NDA is down now, but I'm not sure so that's really all I' am saying. I honestly think the game would be best without bots as it's perfectly balanced right now.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

i m not sure about bots .


some KZ2 gif goodness is needed:






soulsamurai said:
There are not bots in the beta but honestly, i don't think you're going to need them. Games actually fill up pretty fast and its extremely fun. Gameplay is phenomenal and is a day 1 buy. I keep Hearing NDA is down now, but I'm not sure so that's really all I' am saying. I honestly think the game would be best without bots as it's perfectly balanced right now.


 Without a doubt, I'll be playing it tons online (assuming it's good). But still, it's completely different than playing with bots. They have many advantages. You can set up the game and team options exacly you way you want. 2 players going at it could command about 15 bots, making for some pretty strategic gameplay. And we all know that when you play with random people, alot of the time they're off doing their own thing. For me, online play should be standard in every FPS, but being able to play in a multiplayer setting with AI is really a good thing. And let's not forget the people that don't have the internet or can't play online for some reason - this will without a doubt give them much more replay value.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

soulsamurai said:
There are not bots in the beta but honestly, i don't think you're going to need them. Games actually fill up pretty fast and its extremely fun. Gameplay is phenomenal and is a day 1 buy. I keep Hearing NDA is down now, but I'm not sure so that's really all I' am saying. I honestly think the game would be best without bots as it's perfectly balanced right now.

It should be down some time tomorrow, on the 4th

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Parasitic said:
soulsamurai said:
There are not bots in the beta but honestly, i don't think you're going to need them. Games actually fill up pretty fast and its extremely fun. Gameplay is phenomenal and is a day 1 buy. I keep Hearing NDA is down now, but I'm not sure so that's really all I' am saying. I honestly think the game would be best without bots as it's perfectly balanced right now.


 Without a doubt, I'll be playing it tons online (assuming it's good). But still, it's completely different than playing with bots. They have many advantages. You can set up the game and team options exacly you way you want. 2 players going at it could command about 15 bots, making for some pretty strategic gameplay. And we all know that when you play with random people, alot of the time they're off doing their own thing. For me, online play should be standard in every FPS, but being able to play in a multiplayer setting with AI is really a good thing. And let's not forget the people that don't have the internet or can't play online for some reason - this will without a doubt give them much more replay value.

I didn't think of it like that. Good points. If i were to use bots though it would probably be to fill in for a clan member if he's MIA. Countless times i have been in a tournament then a clan member has to go someplace. Makes strategy a lot harder and thats one less man at least putting some kind of bullet shell in there.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Nothing is known about bots outside of the fact that they're in the game.

I doubt they'll be as customisable as you hope, though.

Bots were a large emphasis on the first game, so I'm sure they won't be half-assed this time around.

ah, perfect dark....... i use to haywire with friends and bots!

SpartanFX said:

i m not sure about bots .


some KZ2 gif goodness is needed:


 Some very nice gifs



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