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Parasitic said:
soulsamurai said:
There are not bots in the beta but honestly, i don't think you're going to need them. Games actually fill up pretty fast and its extremely fun. Gameplay is phenomenal and is a day 1 buy. I keep Hearing NDA is down now, but I'm not sure so that's really all I' am saying. I honestly think the game would be best without bots as it's perfectly balanced right now.


 Without a doubt, I'll be playing it tons online (assuming it's good). But still, it's completely different than playing with bots. They have many advantages. You can set up the game and team options exacly you way you want. 2 players going at it could command about 15 bots, making for some pretty strategic gameplay. And we all know that when you play with random people, alot of the time they're off doing their own thing. For me, online play should be standard in every FPS, but being able to play in a multiplayer setting with AI is really a good thing. And let's not forget the people that don't have the internet or can't play online for some reason - this will without a doubt give them much more replay value.

I didn't think of it like that. Good points. If i were to use bots though it would probably be to fill in for a clan member if he's MIA. Countless times i have been in a tournament then a clan member has to go someplace. Makes strategy a lot harder and thats one less man at least putting some kind of bullet shell in there.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2