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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - There's not enough threads about De Blob!

I picked up De Blob during the Amazon Black Friday sale and even with free shipping, it made it here today! I've played for a few hours now and I've got one thing to say:

This game is awesome.

I wasn't expecting too much, just another average platformer as that's what the reviews seemed to indicate.  I'm happy to say that, no, De Blob is way more than that. 

For those of you who haven't heard about this game, the basic premise is that the De Blob's world has had all of the color taken by I.N.K.T., a company that has taken all of the color from the citizens, the Raydians.  Your job is to restore the color to the world and defeat I.N.K.T.

To start with, the game is really charming.  It's just oozing personality.  Every time you color a building, it adds a flourish to the background music.  The places that you color are well laid out, with plenty of challenges to achieve 100% in every level.  Each level has some additional variety from little challenges spread throughout the level.  The cut scenes are a bit on the cutsie side, but serve the purpose of the story and are entertaining enough.  After completing a level, there's additional challenges, such as completing the painting of a level in a certain way after before the timer runs out.

One thing that stands out about De Blob is that it's extremely polished, more so than the average Wii game.  The menus are smooth and just well rendered . I'm not sure how to put it, it's a little hard to get excited about menus, but these are just well done.  The graphics are perfect for the style of the game, drab at the start, colorful and bright after you've done your job.

I've really enjoyed my time with De Blob so far, it's one of the better platformers to come out this generation.  If you haven't bought it yet, I'd highly recommend it.

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I was really considering this game, but then I bought Call of Duty and Animal
Crossing...Now I want Chrono Trigger and Deadly Creatures in
December. I don't know if I can afford all these games, though. It's been a while since I played a platformer. I'll see what happens during Christmas.

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Hyperion said:
I was really considering this game, but then I bought Call of Duty and Animal
Crossing...Now I want Chrono Trigger and Deadly Creatures in
I don't know if I can afford all these games, though. It's been a while since I played a platformer. I'll see what happens during Christmas.

I heard that one got pushed back to February. If that's true, you've now got a hole in your wallet, and the perfect game to fill it...

Or you can buy and love Wii Music, like all right-thinking human beings.


I love how when you turn a prison, the Radians all come dancing out. I love the dynamic music. I love the little ink splotches when you slam an Inky, I love the Colour Revolution army.

I love the whole damn game. Good on ya Blob!

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I played the 1st 2 stages so far. Love the music. The time limit for the challenges makes sense, but i don't like the time limit for the overall stage.

Also camera angle can get annoying at times, & when the baddies touch u, u have almost no time to get to water :(

Still a cool game, but i'm also in the middle of monkey ball & no more heroes... & studying for finals. Will be a while before i finish this + Mushroom Men just came out & I haven't even tried Wario Land yet O_o

Who says there are no hardcore games on the Wii?

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Yeah, the camera isn't perfect, but it's been okay for me so far. I think there was one point in the first level where it was backwards from the direction I would have wanted it in, but it didn't bother me enough to turn it manually.

I don't think that the limit for the overall stage is too big of a deal (at least so far). I've had more than enough time to complete the tasks required for the stage. I have to admit that I haven't played more than the first two levels, so this may be more of an issue later on.

I've had the game for about a month but I haven't even put it in my Wii yet. I should probably start playing it soon.

I got De Blob used, played it for a week and returned it. I did enjoy it but I was very frustrated that I couldn't save mid-level. I kept running out of time to play before completing a level and not being able to save my progress, had to replay the same levels over and over. Killed the game totally for me. Shame.


Do the levels get considerably more time constrained as you go? Because I'm about 5 levels in and the amount of challenges and Raydians to free mean I always have an abundance of time. I'll finish a level with 10 or 15 minutes left and 80% complete (with plenty of opportunities to get more time still available)

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Having done some of the challenges now, I think that it's probably true, that the timers can be a bit frustrating, but I still think that it's part of the 'hardcore' challenge. You can certainly complete the bare minimum required to finish a level in the time given, it's just that you have to be really awesome at it to finish with the best score.

I do agree that saving at mid-level would be nice, but it's certainly not a game breaker for me at this point, I still really like this game.