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Forums - General Discussion - Terrorist attack dated it near future.



They say terrorist will drop a biological bomb that will be 10 or even 100times worst than 9/11 somewhere in the world on 2013! Pretty scary!

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Thats a while off. Why wouldn't they do it now? If they fired it at a smaller European countrys biggest city, that country would collapse, and possibly send the worldwide economy into a tailspin and cause mass panic, thus giving the terrorists more power.

The terrorists already won when we made the Patriot Act, started detaining people without trials, condoned torture, and started living in fear and became more racist, xenophobic, and intolerant than we already were. Why would they want to do it again?

If Osama Bin Laden is captured and executed. Terrorism will come to an end. War on Terror would be over.

Bin Laden didn't invent terrorism or do anything to change it really. The attacks get bigger because buildings get bigger and we put more people in them at a time. These people see themselves as freedom fighters, and because of that, if we kill Bin Laden somebody will replace him and Bin Laden will become a martyr. It's not like they meet in a Terrorist Lair and refer to each other as Baron Terrorist and Archduke Terrorist.

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I want to be Baron...

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numonex said:
If Osama Bin Laden is captured and executed. Terrorism will come to an end. War on Terror would be over.


This is a joke right? I'm not gonna make any assumptions until you comfirm this.


Currently playing: Civ 6

This is only affirming what we have known for some time; the new terrorists desire to acquire WMDs and perpetrate spectacular attacks.

Yeah not to alarm the guys at ECHELON or the NSA but it doesn't take much nowadays. Anyone with the net and/or the will can terrorize.

numonex said:
If Osama Bin Laden is captured and executed. Terrorism will come to an end. War on Terror would be over.


OMG... thios has to be a joke... I neraly pissed myself when I read this ^_^

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