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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 Numbers Overtracked and 360 Undertracked?

Well we got word that retail and Microsoft said that the 360 sold 3 to 1 over the PS3 with an increase of 25% over Black friday 2007.

So if we look at the numbers for 2007 we see the 360 sold 334k. So for that to have a 25% increase means we must add 83.5k to that number. Giving us at bare minimum 2008 figure of 417k. Pretty close to what VGC has with 477k.

However a massive problem with this is the PS3 sold 198k. Which is just over 2 to 1 sales. For it to be in line with what retail and microsoft say would mean the 360 must have sold 594k for it to be at bare minimum 3 to 1 sales.

Now if we take the 360 total of 477k and put this into the 3 to 1 ratio would mean the PS3 would of sold AT BEST 159k. Again that is pretty close to what VGC said at 198k.

Thus meaning the PS3 must have been overtracked and the 360 undertracked?

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NPD is out in a few days so we will know for sure. Im sure MS was probably rounding down when saying 3:1.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Perhaps MS rounded. Or the rest of the sales on the week were more along the lines of 1.5 - 2.0 to 1. Or perhaps you are right.

I'm sure ioi is aware of the report, so he must have some good evidence that would sway him away from it.

last month this definitly occured. idk lets wait for NPD but if it happens again maybe numbers should be adjusted

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

microsoft did not give exact numbers, and they might know the number of 360's sold but i don't think they know exactly how many ps3's are sold, they probably said 3 to 1 because it sounds good lol

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
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For ps3s sake i hope it isnt overtracked.


MS only gets data from gamestop anyways. That's why they were wrong last year. and your numbers are off. 275 last years BF numbers for 360

Microsoft said 3:1 for Black Friday alone.

If we say that the other days, there was sold ~ 30K for X360 (27K last week) and 15-20K for Ps3 (13K last week).

Thanksgiving is closed, but as the other days are likely to be higher than last week, that gets evened out.

So, for the 6 non-BF days.

X360: 180K

Ps3: 102K


For BF alone, this leaves

X360: 297K

Ps3: 96K


Which is pretty much exactly 3 times as much.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Max King of the Wild said:
MS only gets data from gamestop anyways. That's why they were wrong last year. and your numbers are off. 275 last years BF numbers for 360


 Sorry mate but that is complete rubbish.

The official number was 310k for 360 compared to 350k for the Wii

That is pretty much spot on what VGC gave it last year.

As for MS getting their numbers i wouldn't have a clue. But you would think one of the top 10 richest companies in the world and one of the software/hardware giants would probably spend a few $$$ on employing people to feed them data from all over. I just cannot imagine a company as major as that will use that sort of method to obtain their data. 

Microsoft always went a little optimistic when they gave numbers,I don't trust neither them or the other two official statements(Nintendo&Sony),we have to wait for the official NPD report.