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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray vs upscaled DVD

I got a Magnavox blu ray on BF and I must say the player is absolute rubbish. First off, Funai is not offering firmware updates for it(luckily it is a 1.1). Secondly, the player is slow as molasses. Takes about 20 seconds to read a disc and about a second to register input from the remote. Thirdly, the picture is absolutely gorgeous. I bought Sunshine from a Circuit City that is closing down. I already own it on DVD so I will test to see how obvious the difference is by playing the DVD on the 360 and the blu ray on different inputs(both HDMI). If you are having trouble calibrating the tv there are certain THX certified dvds that have calibration tests on them. I think Wall E is the first blu-ray to have some sort of calibration on it. There are also blu ray discs on Amazon that you can buy to help with calibration. Helps to set black levels and contrast and such. I am very happy with the image quality so far, just unhappy with the response time from the player. I guess that is what I get for buying a cheap ass player. Oh and I have a 40' LCD and I can tell the difference.

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damndl0ser said:
skipo said:
lol comparing Blu ray quality in a LCD 46 " 1080P against upscaled DVD it's like comparing F1 car vs freaking small 4 cylinder car... some need glasses urgently if you cannot see any difference between both.


Come back when you know what the hell your talking about.  I have a 46 inch 1080p and a 57 inch 1080p and I actually set my ps3 up against an upscale converter just to see myself ( when I first got my 46 inch ) and there is  little to no difference on the 46 inch JVC.  Both sets are mid to upper quality as well.


I know what I'm talking about. I don't even have to waste that kind of money by buying 2 big screen to see a differience between BR and upscaled DVD.

blu-ray u can see the difference, i just wish the damn movies costed alot less, than my collection would be over triple what it is now.





Didnt the price of BD movies drop to $16.99?

Im sure getting atleast one BD movie, if I am legend doesnt go HD on the psn..


twesterm said:
I have a 40" that's about 6 or so feet away from where I sit and I can't really tell the difference between BluRay movies and upscaled DVD's, though I can only do 720p and 1080i.

1080 P is where bluray shines





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Xbox 360 can upscale dvds via component cable, right?

upscaling is done through HDMI cable ,,not component




I own a Samsung HDTV 1080p 61"

Yes you can see a slight difference between DvD and Blu-Ray.. but man is it a slight difference, not a "O I have to get Blu-ray" Difference, just a slight difference. And thats with Iron Man, with other movies there is no difference.

Now on my 40" HDTV I have no idea what F'en version I'm watching.

The bigger the screen the more the difference, but I mean @ 61" and a slight difference, and the cost of a Movie + player.. not worth it. and thats what people think when they see those $4.99 DvD WalMart bins in the store.


Side Note: I saw a Wall-E 3Disc Blu-ray for $39.99??? I thought Blu-Ray would do away with multipal discs.... go figure.



PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

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Million said:
Those TV's looked pretty small for a fair 1080p comparison.


 small? they had to have been at least 40 inches just by guessing

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

damndl0ser said:
Dno said:


i laught at people who say that they cant tell which is better lol.


It all depends on what your Entertainment set up is.  If you have a tv less than 46 inchs you will not notice.  Anything above 57 and it is a huge difference.

If you have a 720p 20" or higher set the difference is night and day.  Watch a DVD in your PCmonitor. BLow it up to full screen. Then switch to a 720p version of the same content.  You will never want to watch a DVD again. The DVD to 720p difference alone is absolutely HUGE.


I have had people stand by my desk and watch 15 minutes of Transformers in 720p and marvel non-stop at the image quality...




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