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Forums - Sony Discussion - I think I realized why people choose to not like LBP.

Cougarman said:
Euphoria14 said:
Christhegamer said:
No the reason LBP didn't sell was because if you like kids games then you would have a Wii. Also the people that would play LBP are mostly kids and kids can't affard a PS3. PS3 are bought by people who don't care about money and want a Blu-ray player, does this sound like you average kid, NO. Thats why people are not buying it in large numbers. Put it on the wii and it would be up there with mario kart and WiiFit.


 Unfortunately, those who wrongly choose to believe that at a certain age you can not play games like this anymore or can not play them because you own "x console" are those who will miss out on so much this industry has to offer.

So what age is the cutoff? At what age can I only play Shooters and Beat em Ups? I am 24 now, Am I growing up too slow?


you are just fine man, he must have some issues since he cant enjoy a game just because it looks like its made for kids, i am almost 30 and i play any game that looks fun to me, hell i still watch tom & jerry and other cartoons because i still find them fun.


 I love my cartoons as well.

Anyways, I think people, especially gearbox are reading this thread entirely wrong. Read the OP again, try to understand where it is coming from. The first paragraph isn't written in the way some think it is, this thread is more of me just wanting say how much fun I think this game is and am curious to know if anyone else finds themselves enjoying it as much as I do.

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Gearbox said:
uhm who didnt like littlebigplanet exaclty?

*raises hand*


Christhegamer said:
No the reason LBP didn't sell was because if you like kids games then you would have a Wii. Also the people that would play LBP are mostly kids and kids can't affard a PS3. PS3 are bought by people who don't care about money and want a Blu-ray player, does this sound like you average kid, NO. Thats why people are not buying it in large numbers. Put it on the wii and it would be up there with mario kart and WiiFit.

Maybe VGChartz should require an IQ test before others can register, so morons like you never post here.



Sorry but I stand by my comments, and I beleive that there is a age when kids games do not interest adults. Have you thought that maybe that is why nobody is buying it. The PS3 is not owned by kids, and kids games do not sell well on the system. Doesn't that make you think, maybe it is you that should have taken the IQ test and maybe you are right morons should not post here.

I agree that moments like that are when this game is most fun. I got my 24 year old stuck up preppy bitchy model wannabe sister to play with me (21) and my girlfriend (20) and we've never had so much fun playing a game. My sister would die and all three of us would crack up. We'd hit each other off cliffs to fall to our deaths and drag each other down and it was hilarious fun. If my sister can enjoy this game, anyone can. All of us are 20 and over and we all love the game. In fact, all of my friends none of who are younger then 20 love this game too. None of us like kids games or anything of the such. I even can't stand pixar movies and I never play my wii because all it has is kiddy games that don't appeal to me. But this game is different. This game is magic.

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Euphoria14 said:
Pristine20 said:
You make me want LBP. I'm not a fan of platformers though so I'm still undecided.


 I love the game not because I am a fan of platformers, because I can tell you now that I am not.


I think you've got something there... I don't like the game because I'm a fan of platformers and as a platformer it falls short.

Signature goes here!

Christhegamer said:
Sorry but I stand by my comments, and I beleive that there is a age when kids games do not interest adults. Have you thought that maybe that is why nobody is buying it. The PS3 is not owned by kids, and kids games do not sell well on the system. Doesn't that make you think, maybe it is you that should have taken the IQ test and maybe you are right morons should not post here.


I don't agree with the heart of your comments, nor would I suggest that you are a "moron"; however I do believe I understand the position you are trying to make, and I beg to differ.

Well I do agree that the perceived audience for LBP is children, that perception couldn't be further from the truth.  I am a married man (36) with a young daughter (8), and I have very much enjoyed my LBP purchase; individually, and as a family.  The nice thing about LBP is it has a little something in it for everyone.

I believe that "part" of the reason sales have been less than some peoples expectations are...

1 - People like yourself: You want to dislike the game because you believe you are supposed to, based on your perception that it is a "childrens" game; and you couldn't possibly enjoy it as a "hardcore" PS3 gamer.

2 - A large number of PS3 owners have refrained for some reason (see above): I often read numerous comments by posters suggesting they want to buy it, but for whatever reason haven't.  Other games interest them more, money is tough, or they are waiting for Christmas; ultimately though (I think) they are affraid they might enjoy it

Just my thoughts...right or wrong...just my thoughts!



PSN - Thwip 

lol thanks god i am not the only one, though i don't have a mic xD

Euphoria14 said:
Pristine20 said:
You make me want LBP. I'm not a fan of platformers though so I'm still undecided.


 I love the game not because I am a fan of platformers, because I can tell you now that I am not.

What makes it so fun are nights like lastnight with me and Blazinhead89 on PSN. Running through the ICO user created level. While trash talking him about his noobishness he continually fails to make the most simple jump because he too buy trying to trash talk me. He would laugh at me, then go and jump, only to plummet to his death. I was laughing my ass off literally.

I would extend a bridge and then as I tried to run across, here is Sir Noobalot once again up to his sneaky old ways, pulling the bridge back as I ran, causing me to run right off the edge. Then dance with his Sackboy on that very same bridge just to poke fun.

Seriously, my favorite game this gen by leaps and bound. Only game I have ever played for more hours in my history of gaming was Diablo 2. If this game could keep track of time played, I would easily be around the 300 hour mark easy. Half of that before finally deciding to make a level, which was never my thing, but it fun here because you can think of so many sneaky traps and such to implement into your level design.

At least rent the game for a week and play it all week, you just may want to make a purchase.


TruckOSaurus said:
Euphoria14 said:
Pristine20 said:
You make me want LBP. I'm not a fan of platformers though so I'm still undecided.


 I love the game not because I am a fan of platformers, because I can tell you now that I am not.


I think you've got something there... I don't like the game because I'm a fan of platformers and as a platformer it falls short.

No I don't think you get my point. I am the same age as your self and have 2 children and I also have lots of fun playing games with my kids, but we play Mario Kart, wii fit super galaxy etc. These are games that kids play and love them, I have a 360 and a PS3 one of the kids plays nuts and bolts but never touches the PS3 as it hurts her hads after a hour or two with the comtroler. What I am saying is that this game is targeting kids, you have a sock monkey that looks cute. But the people that have the PS3 are not looking for kids games ( some may say they are not really looking for games, but that is another traed) this is why they are not selling the game. If it was on the wii it would sell bucket loads. Its like putting a set of coloured pencils on the from cover of FHM ( A mens magazine) and expecting adult men to say oooh lets buy that as its has coloured pens. If the PS3 was are £100 then yes there would be more kids with the console and maybe it would sell better.