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I agree that moments like that are when this game is most fun. I got my 24 year old stuck up preppy bitchy model wannabe sister to play with me (21) and my girlfriend (20) and we've never had so much fun playing a game. My sister would die and all three of us would crack up. We'd hit each other off cliffs to fall to our deaths and drag each other down and it was hilarious fun. If my sister can enjoy this game, anyone can. All of us are 20 and over and we all love the game. In fact, all of my friends none of who are younger then 20 love this game too. None of us like kids games or anything of the such. I even can't stand pixar movies and I never play my wii because all it has is kiddy games that don't appeal to me. But this game is different. This game is magic.

PS3 Trophies