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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why do some people believe the big three just want our money?


Boy oh boy, they sure got to ya.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Because they do?

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

The just want our money man...

Albion - Its Fun as Ballz !!!!!


Because Microsoft is not a person, Nintendo is not an individual, Sony is not some great guy that lives next door, but rather they are conglomerations of stock holders, investors, and others who don't put up millions of dollars to get young adults everywhere a way to entertain themselves, but because they expect a return on their investment. If the people in charge of the company don't see profits, stock holders bail out to put their money somewhere where they can get decent returns. Then your business is out major change and growth is slowed, that looks bad on resumes and affects salary and bonuses. So their jobs, their careers, their lives depend on us ponying up cash, not on us smiling. Customer satisfaction is a good way to insure that we pony up cash in the future, so in that sense yes they want us to be happy but not because Iwata is just a super magnanimous guy with a christ like love for humanity but because his job and future damn well depends on it.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

SOME in the gaming industry truly do care about making the gamers happy as much as making money. Most though place making money well ahead of caring about making gamers happy. I think those who make unbelieveable games do care about gamers while still wanting to make money. Most though don't care much as you can tell by the horrible games they put out. If publishers and developers cared, they would try to put out the best possible game. And by looking at a lot of the games out there, it is plain to see many don't.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

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their global corporations, they exist for money.

How do they get money? by making us happy.

thekitchensink said:
@JGarret: Miyamoto truly likes to provide happiness. Nintendo as a whole doesn't XD.



Offcourse its about money, but that goes hand in hand with consumerhappiness. So they hire people who love to game and know what gamers want.

In some way its the same as asking devs if its only about the money, I think most devs make their games hoping that they make lots of people happy and provide them with good entertainment, but offcourse they hope to get rich while doing that. Nothing wrong with that.

I do agree to some level - the OP does have a point. While I wouldn't go so far as to say they want us to be happy out of the good in their hearts (it's definitely for the money), people seem to forget that image means a whole lot. They can't simply run away with your money, not if they want to stay in the business. For example, I often see comments about Nintendo no longer caring for some of their customers (since they already have our money), and it's BS.

@ Million / Jo21:
Could you tone the fanboyism down a bit? You give the PS3 fans a bad image like that - no other console fans have trolled here yet.

All they care about is money in the same way that they'll do whatever they believe will make either their short-term profits, long term profits, or overall profit greater whenever possible.

For example, with the MS 3RROD issue the problem was obvious for nearly a year before MS acknowledged it and offered an extended warranty.  This is because MS thought it would be too expensive to fix the defective consoles they sold people, so they'd just ignore the problem.  At some point they decided it was likely hurting sales which they wanted long-term, so they changed their tune.

A clearer example is when MS released the 360 knowing that the RROD was a problem.  They determined it was in their best interests as a company to literally screw millions of their customers by selling them defective hardware and hoped they could just fix it in the next manufacturing change (a few million consoles down the road).

Take a look at Ford.  There was a car in the past, I think the Pinto, where a design flaw left the car with a higher than normal chance of starting on fire due to accidents.  Ford decided not to fix it after calculating the cost of a recall and comparing it to the cost of the expected number of lawsuits.

These corporations don't care about you one bit unless you have money, in which case they care about you just enough to get your money.  They're obviously not going to say that.