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All they care about is money in the same way that they'll do whatever they believe will make either their short-term profits, long term profits, or overall profit greater whenever possible.

For example, with the MS 3RROD issue the problem was obvious for nearly a year before MS acknowledged it and offered an extended warranty.  This is because MS thought it would be too expensive to fix the defective consoles they sold people, so they'd just ignore the problem.  At some point they decided it was likely hurting sales which they wanted long-term, so they changed their tune.

A clearer example is when MS released the 360 knowing that the RROD was a problem.  They determined it was in their best interests as a company to literally screw millions of their customers by selling them defective hardware and hoped they could just fix it in the next manufacturing change (a few million consoles down the road).

Take a look at Ford.  There was a car in the past, I think the Pinto, where a design flaw left the car with a higher than normal chance of starting on fire due to accidents.  Ford decided not to fix it after calculating the cost of a recall and comparing it to the cost of the expected number of lawsuits.

These corporations don't care about you one bit unless you have money, in which case they care about you just enough to get your money.  They're obviously not going to say that.