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Forums - Sony Discussion - R2 60 player online is more addictive than I anticipated.

It's the weapons really. Unlike other shooters, the weapons here actually work very much differently from each other. In a game like COD4, the guns pretty much divide themselves according to their operating distance (sniper, long distance; machine gun, short-mid distance) and they just about work the same. I guess I get drawn by variety.

Well if you liked Quake 3 (and you're an idiot if you didn't), you'll love R2. The guns are really unique and its fun to experiment on the effects.

I just got a mic today (for $5 YAY) and the 60 player matches can either be utter chaos (with a random team) or a very cohesive death brigade (with a premade team). The battles are truly epic with so many bullets of different types flying everywhere; the carnage is dramatic!

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it's very good,,,I played with JOKA_DA_SMOKA from this site and man he is good.

you should try the official head set,,,it displays the volume on PS3 ,,tells you how much battery you have left and tells you when you mute the mic.the voice quality is insane with that blue tooth headset




i would, but the damn thing costs 50 bucks. i'd rather buy the thing that costs 10% of that :P either way, it serves the purpose.

It's really amazing I think what they've done with R2 online. the single player could've been made better, but the online is absolutely fantastic.

The only grip i had with single player was that the coolest boss was the first one,,,it went downhill from there.

leviathan boss fight was insane.the rest were good but not leviathan material.

BTW,,if you buy the socom headset package for 60 bucks you can sell the game for 40 bucks ,,,,so the official headset will cost you only 20 bucks.




I love this game! The online is the best I seen.

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I played about 6 hours straight of the multiplayer on the weekend. Alternating between 60 player deathmatches and the 8-player co-op.

It's damn addictive.


and the most underrated weapon in there is the splicer. i don't see many splicer users in the matches, but all you gotta do is throw a whole bunch at any angle off the walls, and you'll find them hitting guys you didn't even know were there :D

in big firefights, the splicer can net you a whole bunch of kills (though they are rather cheap)

i'm a bit sad that the power of the auger was lessened in this iteration, though it's still massive in the hands of a skilled shooter.

much fewer people still use the rossmore shotgun, but i've found that it's pretty useful when baiting overzealous dudes around a corner.

but by far my favorite has to be the marksman semi-sniper rifle.

anyway i really like the game. sorry for my overflowing affection :P

bugrimmar said:
and the most underrated weapon in there is the splicer. i don't see many splicer users in the matches, but all you gotta do is throw a whole bunch at any angle off the walls, and you'll find them hitting guys you didn't even know were there :D

in big firefights, the splicer can net you a whole bunch of kills (though they are rather cheap)

i'm a bit sad that the power of the auger was lessened in this iteration, though it's still massive in the hands of a skilled shooter.

much fewer people still use the rossmore shotgun, but i've found that it's pretty useful when baiting overzealous dudes around a corner.

but by far my favorite has to be the marksman semi-sniper rifle.

anyway i really like the game. sorry for my overflowing affection :P

Yeah the marksman is the best. I like mixing it with 'chimeran rage' I think it's called. (Although you have to be a chimera to use it.) In 60 player matches I just pop on the rage and all the enemies become visible. Find a good spot and pick em' off.

Great fun.



I liked the online of the first one much more, they took out too much, and the maps seem worse then the first. 40player sniper battles were tons of fun on the aircraft carrier.

Just finishing off the SP campaign (I don't know why but I always have to finish the SP first before heading online) so I'll be online soon.

Sounds like I'll finally need to get a headset, too... well, I'm flying next week so I'll pick one up duty free I guess. It'll be a nice bundle with the EyeToy (my addiction to LBP has caused me to crumble and want to know what it adds to the game).

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