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bugrimmar said:
and the most underrated weapon in there is the splicer. i don't see many splicer users in the matches, but all you gotta do is throw a whole bunch at any angle off the walls, and you'll find them hitting guys you didn't even know were there :D

in big firefights, the splicer can net you a whole bunch of kills (though they are rather cheap)

i'm a bit sad that the power of the auger was lessened in this iteration, though it's still massive in the hands of a skilled shooter.

much fewer people still use the rossmore shotgun, but i've found that it's pretty useful when baiting overzealous dudes around a corner.

but by far my favorite has to be the marksman semi-sniper rifle.

anyway i really like the game. sorry for my overflowing affection :P

Yeah the marksman is the best. I like mixing it with 'chimeran rage' I think it's called. (Although you have to be a chimera to use it.) In 60 player matches I just pop on the rage and all the enemies become visible. Find a good spot and pick em' off.

Great fun.