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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official PS3 Full of Win thread # 1(PSFoW #1)

I am posting here because Squilliam asked me too. I assume because he thinks I am a PS3 fanboy, and will promote the thread. In reality, he probably just wanted a bump :p

Well, to be honest, of the 10 games I just bought, only 2 were for the PS3, and one of them disappointed me (R2 disappointed, LBP was cool). A majority of the games I got were for PC, and of the two I got for the 360, both ere great. (Gears 2, and Fable 2).

In all honesty though, I have not turned on either console in weeks (other then gears gaming parties), as my favorite games currently are on PC (Fallout 3, Farcry 2, Crysis Warheard).

P.S. I have MakeingMagic on my fiends list. We played some MGS4 Beta together. He is a cool guy.

And I admit it, I am a WoW addict. I have played nothing in the last few weeks, other then WoW, and I probably won't play anything other then WoW for the next 2-3 months.

So, I hope that when I get back to consoles, the PS3 has something new to offer. Quite honestly, up to this point in its life, it's kind of been a disappointment.


EDIT: I take back not turning on the PS3. I turn it on all the time, as it's my DVD/BD player. So outside of gaming, it's a great buy. Also, if I had faster internet (I only can get 1.5mbit where I live), I would also use NetFlix on the 360 far more then I do. The will has not been turned on in 6 months).

So, while gaming on consoles is not what it used to be for me, they do still hold a lot of value (For my needs, the PS3 a little more).

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"And I admit it, I am a WoW addict. I have played nothing in the last few weeks, other then WoW, and I probably won't play anything other then WoW for the next 2-3 months."

Same here, my PC has been out of commission for the last month and should be back up on Wednesday, which means I'll be catching up with my WoW friends for a while.

On the plus side, it let me put some time in on my consoles. I've been playing the 360 lately, but not on purpose! I rented Mirror's Edge for PS3 but ended up with the 360 disk. I can only hookup one console to my TV at a time, so I unhooked the PS3 and hooked up the 360. It's such a pain to disconnect/reconnect them, so after I beat Mirror's Edge I picked up Fable. The NXE has made gaming soooo much better with the install option. The PS3 has spoiled me with it's quite disk drive.

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

Sony is the greatest gaming benefactor of all time.

They invented the BR, which is the future of DVD.
They invented the DVD, which all games play on now.
They invented Video Games, which we all love.

And just recently they invented love.

Thank a you, SONY!

I'm just joking people lighten up. Sony is full of win though.

Just posting here because i agree with the "ps3 is full of win" statement.

Check out my game about moles ^

Squilliam is the one making the Ps3 ain't doomed threads? The ps3 is really becoming a pariah. Wow, I'm really afraid for us ps3 owners now lol.

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Squilliam, I always thought you were a 360 fan. Why all the PS3 love all of a sudden?

Squilliam's the man :P I've always said it. I'm not saying your the man for this thread though, just because your awesomely random :P And I loves it.

You buy any PSN games yet Squill?

MAFOOO!!! Did you try the co-op in Resistance 2 yet? :P I can't put it down ;-; I was a crazy WoW addict for a little while... but thanks to that damn co-op ;-; I haven't leveled my prot pally past 68... a bunch of my friends are now 80 ;-;


All in all, this has been an insane year for gaming on muh box, and next year is looking just as sharp if not better xD It's madness I tell you! This console has already paid for itself in spades man :P I loves my PS3.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Hyams said:
Squilliam, I always thought you were a 360 fan. Why all the PS3 love all of a sudden?

People can change or are you cheating us @Squilliam? I'm support this thread,I'm tired of so much trolling,the most of people only try to bash a system,let's pull up the good things too guys

I'm still willing to send you VC if you wish. Who knows, the USD may begin falling in the next few days, making it worth your while. :P

Dinomax said:

My OMG list for 2009:


No, No: this thread is about PS3, not Wii.

Other than that I'm not really sure the point of it; I don't really read Squillam's posts anymore.  Unless I get the sixth sense I need to argue with him.