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I am posting here because Squilliam asked me too. I assume because he thinks I am a PS3 fanboy, and will promote the thread. In reality, he probably just wanted a bump :p

Well, to be honest, of the 10 games I just bought, only 2 were for the PS3, and one of them disappointed me (R2 disappointed, LBP was cool). A majority of the games I got were for PC, and of the two I got for the 360, both ere great. (Gears 2, and Fable 2).

In all honesty though, I have not turned on either console in weeks (other then gears gaming parties), as my favorite games currently are on PC (Fallout 3, Farcry 2, Crysis Warheard).

P.S. I have MakeingMagic on my fiends list. We played some MGS4 Beta together. He is a cool guy.

And I admit it, I am a WoW addict. I have played nothing in the last few weeks, other then WoW, and I probably won't play anything other then WoW for the next 2-3 months.

So, I hope that when I get back to consoles, the PS3 has something new to offer. Quite honestly, up to this point in its life, it's kind of been a disappointment.


EDIT: I take back not turning on the PS3. I turn it on all the time, as it's my DVD/BD player. So outside of gaming, it's a great buy. Also, if I had faster internet (I only can get 1.5mbit where I live), I would also use NetFlix on the 360 far more then I do. The will has not been turned on in 6 months).

So, while gaming on consoles is not what it used to be for me, they do still hold a lot of value (For my needs, the PS3 a little more).