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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should Sonic be like Mario?

When I say this I mean should Sonic have one really polished game every 5 or 6 years as supposed to having mediorce games being released once or twice a year?  Just a thought.

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yes, i'd much rather that. i wish sonic was one of the biggest names in gaming again like it used to be....

also, please release a 2d game entitled new Sonic the Hedgehog for the DS (or Wiiware)

You're forgetting that Nintendo have the luxury of money in the bank. Sega needs to make alot of money from Sonic and it can't spend 5 years on development


You like to make silly threads don't ya;?


konnichiwa said:


You like to make silly threads don't ya;?


That's unnecessary..


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Whatever it takes to get a non-shitty Sonic game.

Nintendo has made billions in profit, and can afford to spend years and years fine-tuning one game. Sega doesn't have that luxury.

Besides, Unleashed seems to be good for the most part, the Rush titles on DS were great 'New Sonic the Hedgehog'-style classic sidescrollers, and Black Knight looks promising, too.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

A lot of people seem to love sonic unleashed sonic sections but seem to despise the warehog sections, They have to quit with all the silly gimmicks (too many characters been introduced, character swapping every 5 seconds in sonic heroes, shadow with a gun in shadow the hedgehog)

Sonic is still great IMO but please Sega, just a sonic only or maximum sonic and knuckles game in future ok (with 90% been sonic sections)

Sega say we get these silly warehog/big the cat sections ect so that the game is not too short...............

Simple solution , shorter game costing a little less than the usual retail price.

You don't have to wait 6 years for a decent game.

All we need is someone with brain to direct this franchise - and you can bet Sega has some of the best people for games under it's wings after all they have Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza 3, Alien Colonial Marine and Total War series.


Zlejedi said:
You don't have to wait 6 years for a decent game.

All we need is someone with brain to direct this franchise - and you can bet Sega has some of the best people for games under it's wings after all they have Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza 3, Alien Colonial Marine and Total War series.

You are so right. Creative Assembly should be given a go. Sonic: Total War!