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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official "PS3 is dooooomed, I should have known better" thread

BengaBenga said:

I'm absolutely sick of these threads popping up every 5 minutes, so I thought to make an official one.

The only reason is that I'll:

a) Lock every next thread about this
b) Ban/warn the person that makes the thread as I from now on consider it trolling

Note: I personally don't agree with all the hype. PS3 is definitely not in a good shape, but the overreaction that's going on is ridiculous. Just enjoy your machine. I enjoyed the Gamecube and it was dead last.



You should also charge an Entry fee to get in!  You my friend would be RICH!!!  :D 

I am very happy you are doing this, for the last few days seem to be the same thing over and over.

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was wondering when a thread like this was going to be made... shocked it wasnt Naz that made it.

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Christhegamer said:
Anyway why is it such a bad thing to have tooo many "The PS3 is Dooooomed" threads. It may help someone who is not that clued up about the state of sales decide which console to buy. I know you don't buy a console on how well its selling but it is a factor, nobody wants a console that could be cut from some large 3rd party games because its not selling and this site is for the public to found out about things. Just because things are not going well doesn't mean anyone should remove the bad bits.

Just for the record, after looking through google, yes the PS3 is dooooomed and doooomed big time. Out sold by the 360 3 - 1, what must the wii be

What's hard to understand about the prevention of duplicate threads?

The information is still here, and I guarantee you'll see plenty of doom about the PS3 in the next few months and perhaps years (not only in this thread but in many other sales/business-related threads). This thread just makes the signal-to-noise ratio better.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

BengaBenga said:
goddog said:
NJ5 said:
goddog said:
BengaBenga said:
NJ5 said:
I predict this thread will die an early death.


I don't care.
This thread is meant to prevent people from making new ones, and since this one is here (without the emo OP we had in previous threads) I'll just lock everything that comes remotely close to PS3-will-die threads.


so your solution to over reaction is to over react?

does this kill the ten week thread the hype threas, or any thread about weekly sales.... how about threads speculation of future price drops for the ps3 and who they will turn out. I need to know these things so i dont open a thread with an article i have read, and then get banned. are we allowed to talk about how well the 360 and wii are trending this year over last year? since it is clear we can not talk about price point saturation hindering the ps3 this holiday in new threads... and is this limited to thread creation or does it include posts in threads dealing with sales, units moved?

This is not over-reacting, it's forum cleanup. There were definitely too many threads getting created about the same thing.


most of these so called doom threads started out as sales discussions be it weekly yearly what not and then became doom threads, that and discussion of a price drop, price point saturation, and sales of software. how do you distinguish ginuine topic discussion from bashing, as a lot of it right now might be negative in both fields. 

now if you want to confine the number of threads on a single topic like this weeks sales, numbers this year vs last year, that makes sense to kill duplicates. but to kill a thread because the discussion trends negative, especially if people are using sources and citing things is pretty harsh. 

edit/note, i dont care if its ps3/360 doomed, id still like a chance to talk about the subjects I layed out a pretty cool  set of senerios a while back where sony could take advantage of not having a price drop this year and cleanup next year even with a drop as late as october... 


To be clear: I obviously won't close sales threads or pricepoint threads. And if there's a good reason for a thread it won't be closed of course.

There were really too many threads about how the PS3 was going the way of the Dodo. It's already not allowed to make duplicate threads, this one is just a help in achieving that there's one place where people can show their anger/sadness/whatever about that. People can also cite and uses sources HERE. It's not a censorship about the topic. In general I feel that we don't lock threads enough in case of duplicates.

This thread should fill up pretty fast when the rest of this weeks numbers come in then. I'm sure there are going to be some angry/sad/whatever PS3 Fans on this site.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Why there is no such a thread for 360 last time when ps3 is selling more units ???

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msnolp said:
Why there is no such a thread for 360 last time when ps3 is selling more units ???

Did you see many 360 fans creating threads about how the 360 was doomed or how they'd buy a PS3 soon?

I didn't... The closest thing I remember in terms of meltdowns was when FFXIII 360 was annonuced. Now that I think about it, that one was pretty similar to the current internetz meltdown (just it didn't last as long).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

msnolp said:
Why there is no such a thread for 360 last time when ps3 is selling more units ???


Probably because outright 360 was still in the lead.

I don't think PS3 is doomed by the way (as in, Sony will discontinue the playstation brand because of the PS3), I just think it's taking a heavy beating.

This is better than the perfect storm. Things are going exactly as I hoped they would, on every single front. This generation is just pure bliss, on the turn of events side of things.


the sad thing is that the PS3 is the best system that sony has ever made(reliable ,quite,bluray,....)and people are walking all over it.I m afraid next time Sony will never risk their fame/brand name with investing too much in technology for their gaming console.




Good, then maybe we'll be able to afford it.