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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official "PS3 is dooooomed, I should have known better" thread

iamalmighty said:
the ps3 is the best console end of il tell u y its not doing well becasue of cheapskates buying an inferior console just to save a few quid then spend it on booze and fags.

im not cheap and im not stupid either that y i know the ps3 is the best im not bothered about sales i bothered about pure enjoyment which is what i get from the ps3 a hell of a lot more than the wii or 360 which get boring so quick

ps3 has bluray player And this benefits how?
wireless conectivity (on 360 u pay for it)  360 = choice
Free online (on 360 u pay for it)    Live is far better
trophies insted of acheivments       Trophies LOL, Achievements in EVERY game
sixaxis and dualshock      Sixaxis is not a good point. LOL
better exclusives like uncharted, mgs4,gt5, r2, motor storm, lbp just to name a few     Your opinion. I prefer, Halo,GeoW, Ninja Gaiden, PGR, Forza, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect etc
u can surf the net on the ps3   I can surf the net on my PC
ps3 has home which is awesome  Is it? Thought it still wasnt out.
the ps3 is nowhere near as loud when running   Actually 360 is even quieter than PS3 with Optional install.
recharble controllers (built in)   Good luck replacing your controller whwn it doesnt hold it's charge.

its better and everyone knows it but just does not want to admitt it


 Man some people are pompus.

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PS3 is in BAD Shape right now.

The Playstation brand is nothing now compared to the old days...

I'm still glad to have bought my PS3. Good overall blu-ray player!


My Gaming Setup

Wow.. Why didn't I see this thread earlier...

LOL! Good job!

MaxwellGT2000 said:
*~Onna76~* said:
stof said:
Oh sure, this is the official PS3 doomed thread of right now. But once NA numbers come up I'll have to make another one.



If you do that I'll blow you with a bazooka


Oooh sounds kinky... how does that work? Can I take stof's place since he has a girlfriend?

Pointing the gun at you, pulling the trigger and then "BOOM". Something like that

Forgot to mention I'll blow you "up"

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

thank fuck you made this thread. I'm sick of all the ZOMGPS3DOOMED!!! threads

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PS3 is so doomed that 4 out of the 5 games nominated for game of the year are on it!

perpride, please learn from the past...

the Sega Dreamcast, wich had many Game of the year pretenders... doomed, failed.

Soul Calibur
Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set Radio

Quality games doesn't mean healty hardware.


My Gaming Setup

Interestingly this thread seems to have drawn quite a few 360 owners.

I'm sure PS3 fans are gladdened by your concern for the console guys.



Who are you talking to?

There are many PS3 owner in this thread, just like me.


My Gaming Setup

nice idea for thread

i dont see why people are hating on the PS3 or any other system. just play video games and enjoy it.

but i prefer PS3 more than 360, or Wii. thats just me tho.