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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS claims victory over PS3 on Black Friday outsold the PS3 by 3:1

redspear said:
Comrade Tovya said:

The number guessing game has always been funny to me...

Take evolution scientists for instance... they say, "yeah, dinosaurs roamed the earth between 7-12 million years ago."  As if a 5 million year distance between 7 and 12 is nothing.

If I told some I was between 5 years old and 45 years old, they'd think I was nuts, and that's only a 40 year difference.  But a scientist is a genious when he takes a guess that has a 5 million year possible difference in actual probability.


I hope you are joking.


Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago.


Anyways on topic not really shocking and quite in line with the BF early numbers from here.



It was a facetious comment... hello, I said I was no scientist, so why would I know that?

JK, seriously though, I was just laughing at people who say their sales guess was only a half-million console off, and they call that a close guess.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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No worries Tovya some people actually say stuff like that as if it were fact so much that it is hard to tell who is serious unless you know the poster.

Sad to say as a PS3 owner that that in the long run this struggle to affirm second place will put a serious damper on optimized games for the system. At least it means plenty of multiplatform games.

Now if SE can learn the Wii actually exists......

redspear said:
No worries Tovya some people actually say stuff like that as if it were fact so much that it is hard to tell who is serious unless you know the poster.

Sad to say as a PS3 owner that that in the long run this struggle to affirm second place will put a serious damper on optimized games for the system. At least it means plenty of multiplatform games.

Now if SE can learn the Wii actually exists......


You are probably right about that.

I think the attach rate has something to do with the Wii issue, but just a guess.

If I'm not mistaken, the 360 has the highest attach rate (around 9 games per console?)


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
redspear said:
No worries Tovya some people actually say stuff like that as if it were fact so much that it is hard to tell who is serious unless you know the poster.

Sad to say as a PS3 owner that that in the long run this struggle to affirm second place will put a serious damper on optimized games for the system. At least it means plenty of multiplatform games.

Now if SE can learn the Wii actually exists......


You are probably right about that.

I think the attach rate has something to do with the Wii issue, but just a guess.

If I'm not mistaken, the 360 has the highest attach rate (around 9 games per console?)

Attach rateis over rated a console coudl have an attach rate of 1000 if there is only one game console out there and a person owns 1000 games or an attach rate of 1 if there are 1000 systems out there and 1000 games.


The 360 does have the higher attach rate it is also roughly less than 2/3rds the userbase and approximately 6 million users buying software before the release of the Wii which also effects attach rates as those 6 million gamers are more then likely on the 4th or 5th game.

In general more people will be buying more games for their system on the 360 but more games will be sold on the Wii overall.

The issue is one of true support and general focus of developers I am of the opinion that many developers have sunk a lot of money into investments of HD consoles and would love to see some of that money back from the HD systems. Then their is the fact that AAA development time is so much longer FF XIII, KZ 2, GT 5, RE V have yet to see daylight. GTA IV and MGS IV only just came out. All of those games were started before the launch of the Wii and PS3. This could be having hte effect on tieing down dev teams for development of new IPs.

The real issue is of course that third parties have been playing follow the leader and trying to mimic Nintendo's success with the Wii titles instead of branching out with new IPs, genres, and fresh takes on their own IPs. When they do take risks they aren't willing to spend money on advertising because they would rather recouperate money with smaller sales(TWEWY, NMH, Z&W). Some of the early attempts met with failure for being too rushed Red Steel for example. So this leaves us with cheap ports and knockoffs and Wiimakes as fast change makers.

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

It doesn't have the best exclusive games; 50 million only possible if it gets PS2-level price cuts (129 or lower).

Your sig informs all your posts; we know to take your predictions with a grain of salt.


It might not have the single best exclusive this gen, but imo, it has more AAA titles than the PS3 by nearly double.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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I'm not sure if the actual number will end up being 3:1 but the writting was on the wall that price would be king this holiday season.

I think a more interesting aspect of this holiday season is will Sony continue to support the PS3 or will they stick to their agenda of closing out non-profitable divisions. I think we could see a major shift in Sony strategy next year focusing on cheaper, but more profitable, stand alone blu-ray players, and LCD Plasma TV's.

scat398 said:
I'm not sure if the actual number will end up being 3:1 but the writting was on the wall that price you be king this holiday season.

I think a more interesting aspect of this holiday season is will Sony continue to support the PS3 or will they stick to their agenda of closing out non-profitable divisions. I think we could see a major shift in Sony strategy next year focusing on cheaper, but more profitable, stand alone blu-ray players, and LCD Plasma TV's.


I don't think so... yes, the PS3 division is largely dragging down the numbers of their console division (SCE), but it's still been very successful.  Sony will drop their prices dramatically before they'll throw in the towel.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Well the numbers that ioi is presenting everyone, currently the PS3 is getting thrashed by the 360 in every territory except Japan.

xlost7 said:
Well the numbers that ioi is presenting everyone, currently the PS3 is getting thrashed by the 360 in every territory except Japan.


No doubt.  The holidays are far from being over as well, so the numbers are going to continue to climb.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


@Comrade Tovya

Of course the numbers are going to continue to climb, but those 360 numbers are not going to decline no time soon. We might see an increase in PS3 numbers but the 360 and Wii took this holiday season by storm. It's confirmed, there is more sweet deals with the 360 then any Wii or PS3 bundle. The 360 bundle this holiday season caters more to the mainstream. The Wii is selling well, its not surprising to me because the Mario Factory actually increased their production on the Wii's so. That's why we see Wii's selling 500k or more across the globe, except Japan.