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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS claims victory over PS3 on Black Friday outsold the PS3 by 3:1

The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

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sony doesn't brag because they don't win you moron.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

I called this a long time ago.

However, I woulda thought different if I woulda listened to SSJ12's anecdotal evidence thread.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Slimebeast said:
The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

It doesn't have the best exclusive games; 50 million only possible if it gets PS2-level price cuts (129 or lower).

Your sig informs all your posts; we know to take your predictions with a grain of salt.


Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

It doesn't have the best exclusive games; 50 million only possible if it gets PS2-level price cuts (129 or lower).

Your sig informs all your posts; we know to take your predictions with a grain of salt.


The X360 will not, and doesnt have to, reach $129 before Nov 2011 when the Xbox 3 comes out. Probably will cost rufly $200 by then. And it only has to sell 8,5 mill per year in three years to reach 50 mill.

Also, my prediction rules. I was only off by 1 mill - cuz the X360 will have sold rufly 10 mill in 2008 (I was too high by ½ mill) and the PS3 will also have sold rufly 10 mill this year (I was too low only ½ mill). 

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Slimebeast said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

It doesn't have the best exclusive games; 50 million only possible if it gets PS2-level price cuts (129 or lower).

Your sig informs all your posts; we know to take your predictions with a grain of salt.


The X360 will not, and doesnt have to, reach $129 before Nov 2011 when the Xbox 3 comes out. Probably will cost rufly $200 by then. And it only has to sell 8,5 mill per year in three years to reach 50 mill.

Also, my prediction rules. I was only off by 1 mill - cuz the X360 will have sold rufly 10 mill in 2008 (I was too high by ½ mill) and the PS3 will also have sold rufly 10 mill this year (I was too low only ½ mill). 


The number guessing game has always been funny to me...

Take evolution scientists for instance... they say, "yeah, dinosaurs roamed the earth between 7-12 million years ago."  As if a 5 million year distance between 7 and 12 is nothing.

If I told some I was between 5 years old and 45 years old, they'd think I was nuts, and that's only a 40 year difference.  But a scientist is a genious when he takes a guess that has a 5 million year possible difference in actual probability.



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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


outsold by 3 : 1....
I think ps3 had a mount everest to climb

Comrade Tovya said:

The number guessing game has always been funny to me...

Take evolution scientists for instance... they say, "yeah, dinosaurs roamed the earth between 7-12 million years ago."  As if a 5 million year distance between 7 and 12 is nothing.

If I told some I was between 5 years old and 45 years old, they'd think I was nuts, and that's only a 40 year difference.  But a scientist is a genious when he takes a guess that has a 5 million year possible difference in actual probability.


I hope you are joking.


Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago.


Anyways on topic not really shocking and quite in line with the BF early numbers from here.


Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 is king of this generation of (HD) consoles.

Also it's the software king.

And it's got the best games and they always come out in time.

The X360 will reach 50 million consoles sold before end of this gen easily.

It doesn't have the best exclusive games; 50 million only possible if it gets PS2-level price cuts (129 or lower).

Your sig informs all your posts; we know to take your predictions with a grain of salt.


excuse me? 360 has 200+ more games then PS3, PC/360 games not on PS3, cheaper at a mass market price point. itll easily make 50 lifetime



How much did it outsell the Wii by?