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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The user shift from wii to HD

SnowWhitesDrug said:
the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

Where do you get that from. Last time I checked the Wii was outselling the PS360.




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Imthelegend said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

Where do you get that from. Last time I checked the Wii was outselling the PS360.


Perhaps not this week.


no I doubt it. The wii is selling like hot cakes and I doubt that will change. However the (hope if u can call it that) for the HD consoles is next gen. When they wont have as many casual gamers to draw upon. Because from ppl I've talked to who are super casuals only play a couple games and are perfectly happy with their wii and I doubt they will b upgrading just cause the new version is out.

The real test for the wii (gimick) lolz is next gen. Of course I could b wrong I'm just speculating and who knows maybe nintendo may revolutionize gaming again next gen :)

Long Live SHIO!

Finally, we've hit progress. We've gone from the Wii is a fad, to the Wii will die off in the summer of 2008/when HD takes off/after GTA4/after PS360 price cut, to the Wii is outselling the competition in hardware and software sales but a friend of a friend says they play their 360 more.


Seriously, the Wii just did 500k in Others alone (outselling PS360 combined). This is the worst time to start employing this type of damage control and plugging FUD. It makes absolutely no sense...


Oh, I get it.

Joke post.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I think you're looking at the current moment (2008 Q4) a bit too closely. This period has seen some of the HD consoles biggest games come out while simultaneously being the Wii's aberration in terms of software. The second half of 2008's derth of Wii games will not be seen in 2009, or for that matter, probably any time in the Wii's upcoming life span.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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Username2324 said:
Imthelegend said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

Where do you get that from. Last time I checked the Wii was outselling the PS360.


Perhaps not this week.


Maybe. Maybe not. But the Wii continues its run to 50% marketshare which is proof its outselling thePS360.




madness, I didnt expect so many people to reply, first off, a few of you are just repeating facts I said I knew in my op, so I wont bother with thoes, and some of you are pointing out the obvious that you didnt even read my OP you just jumped straight to the hate. I am not saying anything about the wii loosing this gen, I don't even want it to, what Im saying, which pretty much every one has missed. is this...

With the recent price drops in HD gaming to compete with the wii will there be a significant shift of wii players who purchased the wii for its price tag moving to HD gaming. And does this have any baring to old claims of the wii being a gimmick ect. I personaly dont think its a gimmick, read my OP very carefully because you think im some anti wii satanist with mad claims the wii is going to hell

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Uh, why does a thread like this get so much hate?

Xponent said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market.

Care to substantiate that claim? Last time I checked, the Wii marketshare was growing not declining, and soon it will be over 50%.

have a look at the home page of this site. The HD market still holds the majority share of the console gaming market even if it is by 1.8%. it still validates what I said and is hard evidence for thoes who like it. watch your sarcism please.

Also in my OP I literaly said the wiis sales moment will over take 50% and continue so please dont try and force feed me obvious facts I've allready stated to know and agree with.


If at first you don't succeed, you fail

SnowWhitesDrug said:
madness, I didnt expect so many people to reply, first off, a few of you are just repeating facts I said I knew in my op, so I wont bother with thoes, and some of you are pointing out the obvious that you didnt even read my OP you just jumped straight to the hate. I am not saying anything about the wii loosing this gen, I don't even want it to, what Im saying, which pretty much every one has missed. is this...

With the recent price drops in HD gaming to compete with the wii will there be a significant shift of wii players who purchased the wii for its price tag moving to HD gaming. And does this have any baring to old claims of the wii being a gimmick ect. I personaly dont think its a gimmick, read my OP very carefully because you think im some anti wii satanist with mad claims the wii is going to hell

Well when you state things like this

the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market

when it isn't true(look at the facts) then people will let you know. If you still don't beleive this then tell us why. And the Wiis marketshare would be over 50% now if it wasn't sold out last year and earlier this year.