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madness, I didnt expect so many people to reply, first off, a few of you are just repeating facts I said I knew in my op, so I wont bother with thoes, and some of you are pointing out the obvious that you didnt even read my OP you just jumped straight to the hate. I am not saying anything about the wii loosing this gen, I don't even want it to, what Im saying, which pretty much every one has missed. is this...

With the recent price drops in HD gaming to compete with the wii will there be a significant shift of wii players who purchased the wii for its price tag moving to HD gaming. And does this have any baring to old claims of the wii being a gimmick ect. I personaly dont think its a gimmick, read my OP very carefully because you think im some anti wii satanist with mad claims the wii is going to hell

If at first you don't succeed, you fail