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Forums - Sales Discussion - Looks Like The 360 "only" Sold about 350k in NA last week.

bigjon said:
actually I was not 100% wrong. The preview had the 360 at OVER 500k. It was a good 25k under 500k. So it was true that what posted did lower the over sales from the preview, just not by very much.

Also, Seece how come I did not see you around going all goofy about the 360 the last 3 years? Wait. Because there was not much to celebrate besides Halo 3.... Ok, fine. I poop your party anymore.


Wow you just showed yourself up to be really immature, and as far as I know the site has only been around for about 2 years.


I certainly havn't been here that long and I started posting earlier in the year, I am just more active now because I have gotten more into the site not because the PS3 is being outsold by the 360 ...


You were wrong just accept it, move on and stop showing yourself up.


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This the same article but different source?

Redmond (WA) - Microsoft may have said that it drowned the PS3 in Black Friday sales (no word about the Wii, of course), but the company sings a different tune as soon as the topic changes to the 2009 time frame.

In an article published by Reuters, Microsoft executive Shane Kim said that the “video game business is on track to grow by 20% this year”, but that result may not be achievable in 2009 and he indicated that Microsoft may be aiming for flat growth next year. "People are not projecting that kind of growth" for 2009, he told Reuters.

"Who knows, maybe flat performance will be considered a remarkable achievement," he added. "It's difficult to predict the future," but noted that the gaming industry held up well well in previous economic downturns.

The article did not say whether this number also referred to video console sales. However, if we quickly look at the U.S. console shipment numbers, it is clear that Kim was not referring to console shipment in the U.S. In fact, until the end of October, Microsoft sold less Xbox 360s than in the same time frame in 2007. NPD estimates that Microsoft sold 2,459,200 consoles between Jan. 1 and Nov. 1 of this year, while the company sold 2,588,900 units in the same time frame last year.

In comparison, Nintendo and Sony are well ahead of their 2007 results – Nintendo with 6,136,600 vs. 3,958,400 Wiis and Sony with 2,440,800 vs. 1,292,700 PS3s. That being said, it seems to be clear that both Nintendo and Sony will beat their 2007 result, while Microsoft may have a tough time duplicating its 2007 sales.

In November 2007, Microsoft sold 770,000 Xbox 360 units and in December 2007 1,260,000 (Nintendo: 981,000 and 1,350,000; Sony: 466,000 and 796,600). Total 2007 unit sales were 4,618,900 Xbox 360s, 6,289,400 Wiis and 2,555,300 PS3s.

If you enjoy these number exercises, there is an interesting note over at Gamespot, trying to figure out what Microsoft’s claims that it has sold 25% more Xboxes this Black Friday than last year as well as the claim that it outsold Sony by a factor of 3:1 may mean.

Microsoft said that 310,000 Xbox 360 units were sold during the Thanksgiving week last year. That 25% gain would mean that Microsoft should end up in the 380,000 to 390,000 range this year (which is more than the company sold in the entire month of October: 371,000). And if we assume this number is somewhat correct and that Microsoft in fact outsold Sony by a factor of 3:1 that would mean that Sony may have sold only 120,000 to 130,000 units – which would be less than the 160,000 PS3s Sony sold during the same period last year.

DMeisterJ said:
MS Still can't answer my question:

How much did it outsell the Wii by?

They stated a long time ago that the Wii won this generation, so why would they compare themselves to them? I don't even think the Ps3 wants to compare itself to the Wii, it almost got outsold by a million.

seece said:
bigjon said:
actually I was not 100% wrong. The preview had the 360 at OVER 500k. It was a good 25k under 500k. So it was true that what posted did lower the over sales from the preview, just not by very much.

Also, Seece how come I did not see you around going all goofy about the 360 the last 3 years? Wait. Because there was not much to celebrate besides Halo 3.... Ok, fine. I poop your party anymore.


Wow you just showed yourself up to be really immature, and as far as I know the site has only been around for about 2 years.


I certainly havn't been here that long and I started posting earlier in the year, I am just more active now because I have gotten more into the site not because the PS3 is being outsold by the 360 ...


You were wrong just accept it, move on and stop showing yourself up.


It's Ok lets give Bigjon the benefit of the doubt. He was only about 95 percent wrong


The more important number that I gathered from that PR release from M$ was the 25 million install base...seems like VGC is undertracking 360 a little, but it's hardly a knock on hte site, since it's well within the margin of error.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Around the Network
heruamon said:
The more important number that I gathered from that PR release from M$ was the 25 million install base...seems like VGC is undertracking 360 a little, but it's hardly a knock on hte site, since it's well within the margin of error.


I'm 99% sure M$ meant shipped to retail. Meaning around there are around 800k consoles unsold.


bigjon said:
actually I was not 100% wrong. The preview had the 360 at OVER 500k. It was a good 25k under 500k. So it was true that what posted did lower the over sales from the preview, just not by very much.

Also, Seece how come I did not see you around going all goofy about the 360 the last 3 years? Wait. Because there was not much to celebrate besides Halo 3.... Ok, fine. I poop your party anymore.

The Ps3 was also 25k below its estimate. Just wait for NPD numbers in a couple weeks.

Theres too much especulation.On the other hand ,Sony has said they had a 90% year over year increase for Black Friday .MS and Sony numbers dont quite match .We will have to wait for NPD .

dolemit3 said:
This is a very weak increase, just 25%, wow. As for the 3:1 ratio, well....

A 25% increase from last black friday, not last week.....did you realize that? Do you not know what you're talking aboout, or did you just misunderstand the information?


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


thats only for black friday and united states.
1st of all it's the whole week and second you didnt think of mexico and canada.