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Forums - Sales Discussion - Looks Like The 360 "only" Sold about 350k in NA last week.

madkiller said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
madkiller said:
Why does anyone bother responding to anything this guy ever says? He has got to be the biggest Sony fanboy that ever lived...


I don't think he's a Sony fanboy. I think he just made a mistake and we should lay off of him.


 LMAO, the guy spends every day of his life on this site trying to make the 360 look worse than it is in sales. He is just pissed off that MS is destroying Sony now...

lol he is definetly not a fanboy, go dwelve into his postings you'll see


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This really is an apples to oranges comparison. With that said you've done a lot to help make it as reliable a comparison as I think is really possible, particularly when some of MrStick's ideas are implemented. But even then it's still a cobbled together number based on an estimated percentage of a non-specific original number that we are assuming to be one thing but may actually be completely another to the person who said this.

In short, it's a clue, it's not the whole puzzle. If 360 sales come in lower than expected it was a valid clue, if they don't then it wasn't. Either way we won't have to wait too much longer to find out =)

To Each Man, Responsibility

This is either going to be an epic fail or an epic win for bigjon once the numbers are released. I, for one, will enjoy the responses either way.

Tyrannical said:
It takes a special kind of Sony fanboy to be able to spin the 360 outselling PS3 3-1 as some kind of 360 bad news.



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Failed, Epically


What a load of hot air.


FOR PS3's SAKE....MS better have sold 500K 360's!

mrstickball is right on the ball....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

actually I was not 100% wrong. The preview had the 360 at OVER 500k. It was a good 25k under 500k. So it was true that what posted did lower the over sales from the preview, just not by very much.

Also, Seece how come I did not see you around going all goofy about the 360 the last 3 years? Wait. Because there was not much to celebrate besides Halo 3.... Ok, fine. I poop your party anymore.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

MS Still can't answer my question:

How much did it outsell the Wii by?