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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Registers Biggest Black Friday in Its History, Outsells PS3 3 to 1

holy $hit 930k 0-0


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Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?


I caught that too :). Btw, they only showed him in one episode in Season 3 at his mom's funeral. BS, he needs more episodes!

indodude said:
Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?


I caught that too :). Btw, they only showed him in one episode in Season 3 at his mom's funeral. BS, he needs more episodes!

Don't spoil it for me. :(

I only saw the first episode of season 3, lol.


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Guess they forgot about the Wii haha. And the PS2. Hell they probably forgot about a lot of things.

erikers said:
freebird4 said:
360 sold 770k last November in the US. A 25% increase for the month would be ~930k (did it my head, don't quote me). Niceeeeeeeee.

Yeah, but they are only talking about a 25% increase for Thanksgiving weekend sales, not the whole month.  The whole month increase could be higher or lower than 25%.


I know, but the 25% increase is in line with VGC estimates and also I'm just extrapolating. It's not that unreasonable 770k ---> 930k.


Around the Network
Infamous said:
indodude said:
Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?


I caught that too :). Btw, they only showed him in one episode in Season 3 at his mom's funeral. BS, he needs more episodes!

Don't spoil it for me. :(

I only saw the first episode of season 3, lol.


Oops, sorry lol


Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?


Yea I caught it, that's the episode I meant. Anyways, I've seen Turk and Carla playing Halo 3 (?) in Scrubs, that's how I gauge how big of a mainstream hit a game/console/thing is when I see it in T.V shows. Reaper had them playing a Wii for awhile.

On Chuck they had an entire episode dedicated to Missile Command. Pretty much every episode they has some mention of a video game.

DMeisterJ said:
So how much did it outsell the Wii by?


 3 times more than the PS3 did.

Currently Playing:
Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

Currently Ignoring:
My 360 and Wii.


Throwing the Wii comments in there is just pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything else considering the people who are posting those comments.  Microsoft admitted months ago (as they should have) that they are not competing with the Wii.  The Wii is not an HD console and does not have the same kind of games.  PS3/360 are HD consoles for hardcore gamers.  Last gen there was Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube and the Gamecube eventually fizzled and died.  The same thing sort of happened to the N64, though I think I remember it being supported for a lot longer than the Gamecube was.  Nintendo had to do something to seperate themselves from the hardcore gaming audience and they did.  They took a gamble and they won.  But they also have still not shaken the kiddie/chicks/old people rep that the Wii has acquired.  The Wii is going to hit a wall if Nintendo doesn't eventually release some serious software for it.  I think they know that, which is why they don't flood the market with Wii systems.  But that's beside the point.

The point is that trying to rain on MS' Black Friday parade by mentioning the Wii is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  I have often felt in the past, at least in analyst reports and sales figures, that they always talk about how well the Wii sells and how poorly the PS3 sells, but never seem to mention the continually strong sales of the 360.  And I'm not just talking about Black Friday, I'm talking about throughout the year.  There is some game media out there that refuses to admit that the 360 has been a VERY successful system for Microsoft so far, so they just don't even bother mentioning them.  Recently it's been more fairly covered because of the price drop and its sales boost for the holidays. 

Anyway, again, it's stupid to mention Wii sales in this thread.  And if you're going to ask things like "how much did the 360 outsell the Wii by?", then I'm going to have to ask how much the PS3 outsold the Wii by.  The answer to the second question is much more pathetic--to the tune of about 6 million more sold units and rising.