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Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:

WOW! that is crazy. I can see why price + practically every teen wants/plays it. I'm watching Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles (IDK if any of ya watch that) and they were playing Gears Of War, showed gameplay and everything, I was like WOW, u never see that for PS3 (besides Heavenly Sword in Heroes in one episode). errr where was I? oh yea, 3:1, bye bye PS3 this holiday.

Micah on Heroes was playing Heavenly Sword on PS3, LOL! Am I the only one who caught that on that episode?


Yea I caught it, that's the episode I meant. Anyways, I've seen Turk and Carla playing Halo 3 (?) in Scrubs, that's how I gauge how big of a mainstream hit a game/console/thing is when I see it in T.V shows. Reaper had them playing a Wii for awhile.